All of varicose veins

All of varicose veins
 Varicose veins - the disease is extremely widespread in our time. Especially suffer from it the fairer sex - men in this respect somehow lucky few more. Statistics confirm that varicose veins in the legs occurs in approximately one third of women. This fact strongly depressing. After all, our feet should always look perfect in order to please and its possessor, and others. And they suddenly covered awful blue spots, which is becoming more and more. What to do in such cases? This is what we tell women's online magazine JustLady.  

Varicose veins in the legs. Symptoms

Varices - a disease known to mankind for a long time. According to some reports, our ancestors have become massively suffer from it once, to his misfortune, began to put on too tight clothing. It should be noted that earlier varices was observed mainly in middle and older age. However, over time it is very younger - today they can get sick and twenties girl. Therefore, all of us, regardless of age, must be carefully monitor the condition of their feet.

Is it possible to preventphlebeurysm or a quick cure for his very early stage? Unfortunately, the do it pretty hard. Varicose tricky - it creeps up almost unnoticed for a long time does not prove itself. His first symptoms - blue, like little stars, divorces, which first appear on the thighs and legs. "Sprockets" are dilated blood vessels, which are then converted into a kind of worms. As a result, the legs are covered ugly blue spots, there is a heaviness in them, there may be pain. They look awful, hard and swollen in the evenings. In gastrocnemius muscle cramps often occur. If the disease is not treated, it begins to develop rather quickly reaches deep stage and may lead to serious and dangerous complications.

Causes of varicose veins. Prophylaxis

Varicose is an extension of the walls of blood vessels, which is due to the disruption of the normal blood circulation. Disease, starting with small, rapidly progressive, veins increase more and more, and as a result, are transformed into large units, an ugly protruding legs.

What is the cause of this problem, each year becoming more and more urgent? The reason for its occurrence may be a genetic predisposition, bad habits, flat, hernia, pregnancy, overweight. An essential prerequisite to the development of varicose veins are prolonged stress, close underwear, lack in the diet of plant foods, hormonal disruptions, the use of estrogen and progesterone and their derivatives. In a word,phlebeurysm can provoke any factors associated with impaired blood outflow. Risk groups include those women who have to sit a lot, and even those who like to visit the steam room and sauna.

Of course, this disease like any other, can be prevented, trying as much as possible to shoot down load. For example, if you have to stand for long, you need to periodically transfer the weight from one leg to the other, with a cross on the heels of socks, to rise on tiptoe. With prolonged sitting is sometimes necessary to try to lift your legs as high as possible, and in the bath or sauna regularly wash them with cold water. In addition, when a predisposition to varicose veins, should abandon constrictive underwear, as if it did not require a capricious fashion. And in no case should one try using tight clothing to hide curvy form, or varicose veins can not be avoided! If these forms are so annoying, you can go swimming, cycling, skiing. These sports not only allow to maintain body weight is normal, but are a great way to combat varicose veins. But bodybuilding, tennis, aerobics, some types of weightlifting people who are prone to the appearance of this disease is not recommended - they increase the venous pressure.

If the stars on his feet had begun to appear, you can significantly slow down the development of varicose veins using relatively simple methods. First, the diet should enter as many plant foods, eating bread made from wheat flour, wheat bran dishes, salads and more. Secondly, the feet need as often as possible to rest, putting them on a pillow, cushion, chair or even a table.

Third, we must abandon the sun - UV significantly reduces the elasticity of the veins and skin. In addition, doctors strongly recommend that at the first appearance of varicose veins to avoid steam rooms, hot baths or showers - they contribute to the stagnation of blood in the legs.

And finally, you need to sort out your wardrobe and choose the most loose and comfortable clothing and shoes. And let them not seem too trendy -phlebeurysm on the legs worse than condescending views of terry followers of fashion.

When you see blue stains on their feet, in order to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, you can resort to the tried folk remedies - kneading "asterisks" apple cider vinegar in the mornings and evenings. Good help in this case, extracts from leaves, cranberries, wild rose, chestnut, St. John's wort.

Every day, it is desirable to do massages using a gentle stream of water that poured from the rear legs toes to the heels, then up the calves to the knee, and in front of the toes to the knee.

If the veins are still considerably stood out, will have to give them a lot of attention. Now drugstores various ointments and gels from varicose veins, but these funds only strengthen the walls of veins, thus delaying the development of the disease. Cure varicose veins as they can not completely, because they do not destroy the reason for its occurrence. There are other, more effective ways to treat this disease.

Treatment of Varicose Veins

If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, you should regularly, once a year, to visit the doctor-phlebologist for routine inspection. He advises how to handle gel or cream legs to strengthen veins and increase their resilience, prescribe the right medication, and when the signs of varicose veins, conduct a survey and choose the most suitable variant of its treatment. There are several such options, and the choice depends on the stage of the disease and the number of affected vessels.

One of the most effective ways of dealing with varicose veins - tight contraction of leg elastic bandages, which is called "elastic compression". This method is good strengthens the veins, preventing them from expanding. However, it is not convenient - legs in this case will have to hide under pants or jeans.

On sale is compression stockings, socks and tights, which can be worn as for the prevention of varicose veins, as well as for its treatment. They are quite easy to use and extremely useful for pregnant women. The only drawback of this compression hosiery - he pulled hard on and take off, which, of course, deliver, during the day, some discomfort.

Can be quite successful fight with varicose veins with sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation. These methods are based on the principle of bonding the vein walls, whereby they no longer protrude outwardly and become almost invisible. And sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation rather belong to the cosmetic field, than to the medical field. They are able to bring our feet in perfect order, but, at the same time, do not cure the disease itself. As a result, glued veins disappear, but after some time in other places will appear new "stars."

Radical, but extremely effective remedy for varicose veins - venectomy. This is a surgical operation, during which removes all veins. She did not belong to the category of complex, and is the best option to combat varicose veins running.

Varices - a treatable disease. So do not panic if beautiful legs became covered with blue patches. You just need to see a specialist, and given to the fight against varicose veins, their health more time and attention. And then, after a certain period, our feet will once again become a subject of admiration of the stronger sex.

 Kocheva Olga
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: cream, varicose veins, expansion, tan, disease, fight, symptoms, prevention