Than to treat stomach for poisoning

Than to treat stomach for poisoning
 Poisoning - a dangerous condition that requires emergency medical treatment. Untimely elimination of poisons and toxins from the body threatens serious complications and can be fatal.
 In medical terms used in poisoning hemosorption, peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, forced diuresis. If there are signs of acute intoxication, the victim is unconscious and can not independently take urgent measures to immediately call an ambulance. Delay could be fatal.

With moderate or mild poisoning, arising from the use of low-quality food products, there are headache, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, chills, body temperature can be significantly increased.

First of all, all efforts should be aimed at cleansing the stomach from the remnants of harmful substances. To this should be diluted in two liters of water 1 tablespoon salt, drink the entire solution, to put pressure on the root of the tongue, causing vomiting. If the entire solution immediately drink failed, the procedure should be repeated.

After cleansing the stomach take 6 tablets of activated carbon or other sorbent. Tablets grind and dissolve in a glass of water. During the day, drink alkaline mineral water.

If the poisoning occurred due to accidental admission acids, bases or salts of heavy metals, cook the starch jelly, which will help protect the stomach lining or drink some beaten egg whites. The antidote is acid alkali, alkali - acid.

Treat stomach after poisoning have long enough. If you are constantly observed abdominal pain, belching, heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, indigestion, consult a gastroenterologist. You will have a medical examination. After poisoning often develops an ulcer or gastritis, so after survey doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Follow the diet. After poisoning should be observed sparing diet. Eat often, eat small portions of cooked food without spices, preservatives. Discard the fat, fried, spicy food.

Tags: Ambassador, stomach, help, poisoning, etching