How to treat enlarged tonsils

How to treat enlarged tonsils
 Enlarged tonsils, still known as the tonsils are the result of frequent inflammatory processes in the throat. Expanding, they cover the nasal passages and eustachian tubes, causing snuffles and ear infections. Moreover, the modified fabric these tiny bodies leads to a decrease in their protective function. After all, they are the first obstacle in the way of a variety of pathogenic bacteria, which they absorb and process, outputting in the form of traffic jams. But to bring them back to the previous state, it is necessary to conduct a full and sometimes long-term treatment.
 Treatment tonsils can not only be local, since they are the organs of the lymphatic system and respond to an increase in activation of the body and certain infections often staphylococcus and streptococcus. Coccal flora is present in every person, but with a decrease in immunity it starts to proliferate, causing a variety of inflammatory processes. Therefore, in acute inflammation of the tonsils, which is often the case with angina, treatment should be the use of antibiotics. But to have the body in the future have not developed immunity to them, should take them only as directed and supervised by a doctor.

Traditional treatment includes physiotherapy tonsils - washing, warming and inhalation. They may well be carried out in the home. But a positive result should count only if their performance regularly. And you must start with daily gargling - after the morning toilet during the day and at night. Beyond the acute stage of the disease for this approach is usually water, and in acute inflammation - decoctions of herbs: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus or pine needles. These plants have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They may also be used instead of tea and inhalation. Warm drinks and hot steam inhalation has enlarged tonsils on therapeutic effect.

Chronic inflammation of the tonsils requires a longer time. Therefore, all procedures should be carried out for 2-3 months. In addition, it is necessary to improve the immune system, applying for this different ways and means, for example, hardening and regular physical activity, as well as inclusion in the diet products with immunostimulatory activity. These include onions, garlic, ginger, carrots, green tea, citrus fruits, as well as any raw vegetables. They maintain normal intestinal flora, it is in its walls produced protein substance - interferon, enhance their own immunity.

Tags: ear, tonsil, disease, treatment, inflammation, tonsil