How to treat cracks in the corners of his mouth

How to treat cracks in the corners of his mouth
 Often people in the corners of the mouth appear cracks (perleches). Man becomes painful to talk and eat, because the affected site is constantly felt a burning sensation and itching. Zayed can occur at any age, and if left untreated, may cause ulcers.
 Cracks may appear in the body with a deficiency of riboflavin (vitamin B2), from the constant licking of the lips, allergies to cosmetics or products, with the presence of a fungal infection. They can also be a symptom of the fact that a person has some problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the appearance of this disease is best to see a doctor to find out the causes of the disease and get treatment recommendations. In folk medicine, there is also a lot of money from this disease.

To get rid of cracks can be lubricated with Vaseline, sea buckthorn and olive oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus or peppermint liqueur. Also, try to smear the sore spots of gray ear. Excellent cooked in milk helps apple. Apple cook in milk, grind it and apply on perleches, fold a handkerchief and hold for half an hour. You can use aloe juice. To do this, cut the fresh leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. Put a couple of drops of the juice directly on the wound. Manipulating 2-3 times a day.

Useful sbryzgivat sore spots thermal water. You can lubricate the lips of fresh cucumber juice. Try this method. Light the newspaper and put it on a plate. After the newspaper will burn on the plate will remain yellow. This plaque build and apply to the affected sites. Helps perfectly. Another well suited for the lubrication of the juice of plantain.

To include in your diet foods that contain vitamin B2. A lot of it in nuts, beans, cabbage, fish, poultry meat. You should not eat sour and spicy, if the cause of the cracks - a fungal infection is necessary to limit sweets. In the wind, use chapstick. That the disease does not happen again, observe hygiene, take vitamins.

Tags: means, lip area, treatment, crack