How to treat cholecystitis

How to treat cholecystitis
 Cholecystitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the gallbladder. In most cases, cholecystitis is the companion to the elderly, but also occurs in young people. Very often, this disease is a complication of various heart diseases, atherosclerosis and obesity. The main external symptom of the disease is acute pain in the right upper quadrant, which eventually spreads to the abdomen, neck and chest.
 When the first pain attacks should immediately seek medical help, as only a specialist can properly diagnose the disease and assign you a suitable treatment. In most cases, medications are used, which are aimed at normalization of the gallbladder.

Quite often the cause of inflammation are bacterial organisms. That is why treatment with antibiotics ceases integral part of the treatment. Very often use "ampicillin" or "Erythromycin". Generally, treatment is two weeks. Remember that appointing an antibiotic alone is strictly forbidden, as the correct dosage and receive mode defines only the attending physician.

When severe pain is recommended that "No-spa" (1-2 tablets) or "Nitroglycerin" (one tablet should be put under the tongue). In severe forms of the disease is allowed to use "Diphenhydramine", but only under the supervision of intramuscular and hospital staff.

Very often, patients with cholecystitis suffer bouts of vomiting and constant nausea. In order to facilitate a human condition with drugs used antiemetic effect, namely "Motilium" "Reglan" and others.

Particular attention should be paid and nutrition. The first two days, reduce the amount of food and try to drink sweetened drinks - tea, fruit drinks or juices. Over time, you can begin to enter into the diet of low-fat cottage cheese, some varieties of fish and meat. Meals should always be a fraction, and therefore eat as often as possible, reducing the portions.

In chronic cholecystitis is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages. You can not add to the dish hot spices. Eating fatty, fried, salty and spicy products Minimize or eliminate general. Patients should not eat cakes and sweets.

As for the permitted products, cholecystitis patients can eat in unlimited quantities vegetables, fruits, breads and pastries, wholemeal and various vegetable oils.

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