How to get rid of toxins

How to get rid of toxins
 The human body is constantly exposed to adverse external and internal factors, which are formed under the influence of an incredible number of toxins. Accumulated over the years, they alter the normal activity of many organs and systems, causing various diseases. But in order to stay young and keep health up to a ripe old age need to get rid of toxins on a regular basis, without waiting for the first signs of slagging of the body.  
 To get rid of toxin sufficient to use only one means, because it can be effective for cleaning, e.g., intestine or liver. Meanwhile, the toxins are deposited in the blood vessels, muscles, tissues. Therefore, to fully cleanse the body using an integrated approach, namely: a healthy diet, drinking water in sufficient quantities, cleansing breath, regular fasting (24 hours or more), a visit to the steam room and intensive physical activity.

Healthy diet to cleanse the body of toxins implies a transition to a vegetarian diet mainly without heat treatment. And since most of even seemingly healthy fruits and vegetables can be rich in nitrates and other harmful substances, then soak the vegetables before consumption (in purified form) in cold water and fruit give preference to local varieties.

Include food products that make toxins in the salt. So they will be easier to excrete. This property has ascorbic acid, citric acid, stearic acid, lactic acid, as well as apples and pickled cabbage, Cahors, port (200 ml daily), brewer's yeast, milk products, and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp vinegar and honey to 1 cup sour milk before eating).

For dissolution and removal of salts drink tea from knotweed, horsetail, bearberry or marsh cinquefoil. Boil 1 tablespoon 1 cup boiling water plants. Within 15 minutes, soak the broth in a water bath and after 45 minutes infusion take 2 sips 3 times a day for at least 3-4 weeks. Broth store in the refrigerator.

To remove salts and kidney cleansing drink mix juice of the roots of parsley, horseradish leaves mother and stepmother, and chicory, decoction of leaves of bilberry. For general cleaning the body of salts and toxins take a tincture of the partitions walnuts. To prepare 1 cup of raw pour 0, 5 liters of vodka and leave for 18 days. Take 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day (food) within a month.

To improve the excretory functions of the body drink at least 2-2 liters of water every day 5 and consume large quantities of melons, watermelons, pears, strawberries, cranberries (juice can), gooseberry, fennel, lettuce. Add as a seasoning powder of the dried roots of the dandelion. Be sure to include in the daily menu radish, horseradish, a mixture of juices of carrot, beet and potatoes (3: 1: 3). And to activate the body's excretory system (kidneys, skin) regularly visit the sauna. By enhancing blood circulation, it accelerates many processes in the body, including the elimination of toxins through the skin.

For self-cleaning the body of toxins held regularly fasting days (twice a year) and short-term fasting (24 hours per week). Mix 4 tablespoons bran in a glass of kefir or yogurt and eat in 5 minutes instead of eating 4-5 times a day. Between meals (yogurt with bran) drink in small sips clean water and eat an apple. Continue this diet 4-6 days. During the short-term fasting completely abstain from food, but drink more water. If you have problems with the heart to add water 1 tsp honey.

To get rid of toxins through breathing completely fill the lungs with air and stretched his lips, do some blow to the limit. This method is especially useful after a long stay in a stuffy room or inhalation of toxic substances. However, do not repeat this exercise for more than two consecutive terms.

Tags: body cleansing, toxin removal, disposal