How to treat constipation (Not a gasp or sigh ...)

 I agree, this topic is clearly not for gloss. But this does not mean that a true lady can not happen anything like that. Can and how! Only she, the woman, is unlikely to be talking about it with friends. And it is very vain friendly, and most importantly, competent advice can help in almost any case. Today women's magazine JustLady discusses one of the most neglamurnaya so - constipation.

In the category Women's Health: traveler's diarrhea, diarrhea - Treatment folk methods

First you need to make sure that the problem is really overdue. Indeed, the frequency of bowel movements - a highly individual matter. For someone considered the norm going to the toilet several times a day, and someone feels fine, performing this procedure every 2-3 days. But if you feel unwell, and your usual schedule is clearly broken, then you should pay close attention to the problem.

First of all, remember that you ate. And not just today - here requires a detailed restoration of the diet in the last few days. Or maybe you expect a joyous event - the birth of a baby born? Then the mechanism of occurrence of several other obstacles, but the ways of dealing with them are the same.

The most common causes of constipation bowel considered inadequate fluid intake, lack of fiber in the daily diet, a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes this can have the effect of certain medications, so before you take them, carefully read the instructions, especially the section "Side Effects".

The simplest and most natural waytreatment of constipation is a change in diet. Firstly, try to drink more, 1.5 liters a day is considered normal. If you do not suffer high blood pressure can increase up to 2 liters.

Second, add fiber to the diet (plant fiber). Its rich sources are fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, whole grains and bran. Excellent effect give some dried fruits: figs, prunes, raisins. Another tip - eat small meals intestine is much easier to deal with a small amount of food than with a hearty dinner of four courses with dessert.

Excellent tool to combatconstipation in adults are exercising. After loading your body will get the desired tone, the blood rushes to become stronger bodies that causes the contents of the intestine rather move to the exit.
If for some reason you can not actively engage in sports (eg, due to pregnancy), you will save a walk. Half an hour daily walk at a fast walking or moderate pace, to help cope with the problem.

There are cases whereconstipation is a consequence of strong tension or stress. If you think you have something like that, try to relax, listen to music and, most importantly, do not stray too far from the exit door to catch there in time.

Think carefully before taking laxatives. These drugs will certainly help, but purely chemical means can be addictive, and then your intestines spilled all.

If you feel awful and literally ready to do anything to feel relief immediately, you will gain an enema. Just do not get carried away - it is a means of last resort. Using this method on a regular basis, you can easily damage the intestinal microflora.
In the same fast action and have special candles, but before applying them should be familiar with contraindications.

Speaking of microflora.ConstipationAs, indeed, the reverse reaction can cause a violation of this most microflora due to long-term use of certain drugs, mostly antibiotics. In this case, you will benefit from taking a course of treatment beneficial bacteria. Well proven in this respect, Linex, Hilak Forte and other similar drugs. More precisely, the course will help you pick a doctor.

Also useful in this case, there will be special milk products containing the bacteria useful for the intestines, their advertising you probably see every day on TV.
Another point, which would like to focus.
If you suffer from constipation, in any case, do not try to take away something from yourself, putting a superhuman effort. That you will not achieve anything. This refers to the good. But the fissures of the rectum or hemorrhoids - easily.

Treatment of constipation folk remedies

Now let's see what you advise folk medicine. From ancient times to alleviate the suffering of healers used laxative teas. Here are a few recipes that can help you in this situation.

1. Take 3 tbsp. l. buckthorn bark, 1 tbsp. l. yarrow herb, 2. Art. l. nettle leaves. Mix well, 1 tbsp. l. collection zaley 0, 5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth and drink at night and 1 or half a glass.

2. Mix 2 tbsp. l. fruit, anise and licorice root, 5 st. l. buckthorn bark and berries zhostera (Rhamnus cathartica), 6 tablespoons. l. Senna (Seine). Tablespoon of the mixture zaley cup of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain, wring out thoroughly raw materials. Take half a cup at night.

3. Take 1 tbsp. l. fruits cumin 6 tablespoons. l. buckthorn bark, 2 tablespoons. l. yarrow herb leaves and trifoli (bean trefoil). One tablespoon of the collection zaley cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain, take before bedtime to 0, 5-1 glass.

Usually, doctors advise to apply for enemas ordinary boiled water. But traditional medicine recommends a special recipe for laxative enema.
For its preparation you need the seeds of barley, oats and flax. You can take the leaves and mallow. Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds zaley 1 liter of water and let boil. Then drain, add a tablespoon of salt or 2 tablespoons hemp or flax oil. Enema broth used in the form of heat.

You can choose any of the recipes, but do not lose sight of the main thing: just the right food, adequate drinking and exercise will help to remedy the situation and keep the effect for a long time.
And one more thing. If this is not a one-time event, and you are constantly plagued by constipation for a long time, be sure to check with your doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, constipation, adult, treatment, fighting, medicine