What you need to know about laser vision correction

What you need to know about laser vision correction
 Laser surgery - a radical way to eliminate problems with vision, has become particularly popular in recent years. After this procedure, the patient will not have to go back to the usual glasses or lenses. The changes are fixed forever, and in the future there is no need to make new arrangements. However, laser surgery has a number of features and contraindications, which you need to know before you decide on the operation.

First of all, laser treatment can be carried out only on an already fully formed organism. Therefore, persons under 18 years of this treatment is not carried out under any circumstances. Explains the tough position of doctors that before the age of eighteen eyeball may change, grow and irreversible impact of the laser can damage the normal development.

In addition, the laser correction is not carried out in people with unstable vision, suffering from some eye diseases or disorders, reduced immunity. Also not recommended this operation pregnant and lactating women. This is the most common contraindications, however, in each case on the need laser surgery doctor is taken individually, based on the survey. Such a rigorous approach to the possibility of laser correction due to the desire to eliminate any possible risk of complications.

Indications for laser correction of the patient is the presence of myopia (myopia) -0, 5 to -14 diopters of hyperopia 0, 5 and 6, 0 diopters and astigmatism in the range from 0, up to 5 + 6 0 dioptres . After surgery, laser vision correction will usually recover completely on the same day, and in many cases the patient can even read a book, watch TV or work on the computer.

Laser vision correction procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes only a few hours. And most of that time is spent in preoperative preparation of the patient, the formulation of the necessary paperwork and conduct additional analyzes. Needless laser effect on the eye takes only a few seconds, so the operation on both eyes lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. The impact is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause pain later pronounced or any complications. Immediately after surgery, the patient can go home and have to see a doctor only on the next day or in a specified period. Being in the hospital during this operation is not provided.

Prior to the laser correction of the patient must undergo a complete diagnosis of the eye. It is important not to confuse it with the usual test of visual acuity, which can take place in any clinic. To carry out this diagnosis can only qualified professionals involved in the conduct of operations on laser correction. In addition, for a day or two before the operation must pass a blood test for overall health. If the patient has any chronic disease, not related to vision, perhaps he would have just additional tests to eliminate the risk of complications. Even if it seems that doctors are reinsured in the proposed analysis is not necessary to abandon them should not be. This can save you from serious troubles caused by some hidden ailment.

Tags: eyesight recovery operation, correction, hyperopia, astigmatism