What do the spots, or how to get rid of freckles?

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 Color of the skin and mucous membranes of man is determined by qualitative and quantitative ratio of five pigments. This - melanin, carotene, melanoid, reduced hemoglobin and oxygenated hemoglobin. Pigmentary disorders are the result of dysfunction of melanosomes, pigment cells closely associated with the contained in the body of vitamins, enzymes, genetic factors and the endocrine system.

Pigmentation process is enhanced by lack of vitamins A, C, PP, and decreases from a lack of vitamin B.
Adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones, trace elements (copper, zinc, iron), intracellular enzymes of the skin have a great effect on the activity of melanosomes.

Skin pigmentation disorders are divided into hypochromia and hyperchromia. Gipohromiya - a decrease in the degree of natural color of the skin caused by the complete disappearance or reduction in her normal pigment. Gipohromiya can capture the entire skin (general), or in part. Partial hypochromia may be congenital or acquired. Congenital (primary) is an independent form. Secondary - the consequences of the disease of an organ.

Hyperchromia - is excessive and did not clear the deposition of skin pigment. Sverhpigmentatsiya occurs either as an independent disease, or is a consequence of various dermatoses. It may also occur with Addison's disease, lesions of the thyroid gland, pituitary tumors, pellagra, and others.

By gipehromii include freckles. Freckles called small brown spots, which are located mainly on the face and exposed parts of the body. Freckles in the spring with the first rays of the bright sun, a pale autumn, winter, most disappear. After 30 years, the number of freckles reduced their paler.

Treatment of freckles is usually temporary. For their use exfoliating whitening or bleaching agents. The selection of these agents depends on the condition of the skin, freckles and age character of their quantity.

By bleaching preparations include hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, 2% citric acid, horseradish infused vinegar, parsley juice, protein and protein-salt masks. Exfoliating products - 20% salicylic alcohol, white mercury ointment in combination with ointments of concoctions, 20% solution of phenol dissolved in ether.

Bleaching agents can be used independently at home. Peeling is used in beauty parlors qualified professionals. With self using them, it is likely to burn the skin.

The appearance of freckles, gently clean the face of juice leaves marigold, broth rhizomes kupeny drug, rub into the skin pigmented onion mush. Milkweed sap, mixed half with Vaseline is also used to remove freckles.

It should be remembered in order to prevent freckles, should always use a cream with UV (ultraviolet filters), wearing a wide-brimmed hats covering the face, hat with a veil of brown or red in color, use an umbrella.

Tags: spot, skin, hemoglobin, freckle, pigmentation, pigment