Treatment of degenerative disc disease at home

Treatment of degenerative disc disease at home
 Unfortunately, low back pain - one of those diseases, which is almost impossible to avoid. This age-related disease, and sooner or later it may appear at all. Osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain when moving back, the cervical spine, or lower back. The pain may also manifest itself in the hands and feet.  

Osteochondrosis - a change in the composition of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the bone of the spine grows, trying to take the place of the decreased drive and pinches the nerves of the spinal cord of the spinal canal. Osteochondrosis can cause many complications, which is why it is imperative to treat it. And not only in periods of exacerbation, but in remission.

First of all, pay attention to your food. To restore the cartilage material requires certain amino acids and minerals. Eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk products should be in your daily diet. To enhance the restorative effect is possible to use the so-called dietary supplements, dietary supplements. Their composition and appointment shall appoint a physician.

Severe cases of osteoarthritis are treated as outpatients operational or medical methods. However, some methods of treatment are available for home use. At home, usually employ physical, biochemical and complex effects.

Physical therapy - is different massages, wraps, baths, conventional banks. They can be put on the back near the spine of the patient. Banks improve lymphatic drainage, reduce swelling and inflammation. When you wrap the affected part used warming ointment, wrap should not be too tight, so as not to disturb the blood and lymph circulation. Various massages are also possible to carry out at home. Rolfing should do an expert, but surface grinding using a warming ointment also relieve pain and improve the condition. As an effective means of home is very popular patting massage with honey. Warm honey is applied to the back, then the therapist presses and takes away the palm from the sticky surface of the skin. Massage lasts about 3 minutes. It is easy to be carried out with the help of your friends.

Additional treatment exercises conducted in the period of remission. Certain exercises for flexion, extension of the back, side bends promote greater mobility of the vertebrae. Do the exercises should be carefully, without incurring pain.

By biochemical methods of treatment of osteochondrosis is the use of various ointments and decoctions own cooking, recipes are passed from mouth to mouth, as well as all kinds of rubbing and compresses. The main thing in these procedures do not hurt yourself and do not disturb the skin of the body to prevent the occurrence of infections.

Complex methods involve the simultaneous use of physical (eg, warm wraps) and biochemical (use your own ointments) methods. During long-term pain in the spine, to avoid complications, it is still necessary to see a specialist.

Tags: house, home, condition, low back pain, treatment