Sun allergy

Sun allergy
 In the summer so want to buy beautiful and even tan, especially when it comes to vacation at sea. However, the desire to chocolate skin tone can turn into a nightmare - solar allergies that will make for a long time to give up tanning.

With the onset of summer we all aspire get enough sunlight and how you can spend more time in the sun. But excessive tanning, or simply an extended stay on the beach in the early days of vacation can cause allergies. UV itself has no allergenic properties: their toxic or irritating effect of UV-rays show only the collision with the allergen to the skin or the human body.

Solar allergy is due to the destruction of certain cells of the epidermis from the excess UV rays that interact with a specific allergen. This disease manifests itself in the form of explicit redness of affected areas until the appearance of hillocks, burning and severe itching. After a few days under the condition of failure of reception of ultraviolet and antihistamines these symptoms disappear and the skin on the exposed area tend to peel off.

Contributing factors are the emergence photodermatitis various allergens that enter the skin during exposure to ultraviolet light. Pollen, perfumes, deodorants - all this can only strengthen the unpleasant symptoms. In addition, on vacation often we like to get acquainted with the local cuisine. And potential irritation of the gastrointestinal tract only add problems with the skin, the affected photodermatitis.

Sun allergy can trigger not only constitute some cosmetics, but also a number of essential oils (bergamot, sandalwood, musk, rose). With great caution should be exercised to medicines taken during sun exposure. Potentially dangerous sulfonamides, barbiturates, chlorpromazine, certain antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline), some anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin), oral contraceptives.

The disease can also occur after the abuse solarium, especially with the use of special cosmetics. Therefore, in the winter, you should definitely give your skin a rest from sunburn. Even if there are no signs of allergies, constant production of melanin can cause this disease in the future.

Recommendations for the prevention of sun allergy is simple: to limit time in the sun during sunbathing excluded from the diet of potentially allergenic foods, not to tanning sessions before peeling, use creams with high factor SPF, but at the same time to use proven, hypoallergenic means.

If you experience symptoms solar dermatitis should take an antihistamine and eliminate further exposure to the sun. Affected areas best left alone and not handle anything. Engage in self and not worth it: consult a doctor in this case is a must.

Tags: allergies, sun, tan, photodermatitis