Phototherapy: light therapy

 Armed with cosmetologists - high technology. All for our troubled skin: something actively introducing something perfect, and as a result there are methods, which previously had only dreamed of: the maximum effect, at least contraindications, painlessly and quickly. In this case we are talking about phototherapy.

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Phototherapy - Exposure to the skin light pulses. Specialist flash density varies, the number and duration of the pulse and can control intensity and depth of penetration. All this ensures fast results with minimal side effects. Duration of treatment is 10 to 40 minutes, the procedure itself is painless: the patient sunglasses protect the eyes, the skin and cause cooling and anesthetic gel.


Perhaps the most common procedure phototherapy. Modern woman knows a few ways of hair removal, the other one sophisticated. And wax and epilator, hair removal and electrical impulses - a painful procedure. It is not surprising that the appearance of hair removal was made in the world of cosmetology with such enthusiasm.

To date, photo-epilation - the most gentle and painless method of hair removal. The device works on the skin for short light pulses. Follicle heats up, and against this background gradually dying cells responsible for hair growth. Epilation is effective for all types of hair anywhere on the skin. Possible side effects - as in any cosmetic procedure. This burning sensation and redness, peeling and pigmentation. And if the first three are natural and pass within a couple of days, the latter is very characteristic at any phototherapy. Follow the instructions cosmetologist, apply day cream with a good light filter and forget about sun bath after the procedure.


Photorejuvenation - It is not only the elimination of wrinkles, removing age spots and vascular network. It allows you to give your skin a second youth by stimulating the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers. In addition, improving the overall tone of the skin due to exposure to the active proteins.

On the plus side, you can also add a completely painless and low duration of the procedure and the possibility to combine it with other methods of skin rejuvenation. As usual, the complex procedures gives the best result. Same effect can be seen after the first session.


With the help of light, you can correct any imperfections of the skin, the most common of them - the presence of scars, age spots and vascular network.

Under the action of light changes the structure of the skin, and due to this the scars flatten and become the same color as the rest of the skin. Phototherapy works only with hypertrophic and atrophic scars red.

Pigment spots of different origin using phototherapy destroyed quickly and completely. At first, they quickly darken after a couple of days begins peeling skin, and a week later you can evaluate the result. At the same spots really disappear, not bleached.

Also completely eliminated, and vessels. Pulses of light penetrate the skin, affecting the vessel and without damaging the skin around it. They destroy the vessel and then it is coagulated. At the same time the most unpleasant sensations that can be experienced during the procedure - burning and tingling.

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For the treatment of skin Use a strong bactericidal effect of light of different wavelengths. A chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of oxygen radicals, which kill bacteria.

For faster results, apply the modified technologies that combine the effects of rays with radio-frequency pulses, or the interaction of several types of radiation and vacuum. However, treatment of the skin - a complex and multi-stage, so there are a number of clear contraindications and is not always a quick result justifies all means. For example, treatment of the skin in which case it is accompanied by aging, and also suppression of sebum. In this case, consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Daria Pechorin

Tags: treatment, phototherapy