How to treat adhesions

How to treat adhesions
 Adhesions - a fusion of body tissues, as a defensive reaction against inflammatory processes. They can occur as a result of internal diseases, surgical procedures, as well as infections undertreated. However, very often the appearance of adhesions may be accompanied by pain and discomfort to deliver man. Therefore, they must be treated.
 The formation of adhesions in the pelvis - one of the main causes of infertility in women, so the treatment or removal of adhesions remains one of the main tasks of gynecologists.

The most reliable way to detect adhesions is the traditional gynecological examination, but you can also go and hysterosalpingoscopy ultrasonic, X-ray hysterosalpingography, kimopertubatsiyu and diagnostic laparoscopy.

Specialists are three types of adhesions. At the first stage of the formation of adhesions, they are located around the fallopian tube, without interfering with the capture of the egg and cause more discomfort. The second stage is characterized by the fact that the spikes are arranged between the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and can interfere with successful fertilization of the egg. And the third stage - the fallopian tube completely clogged spikes that completely blocks the possibility of getting pregnant.

For the treatment of adhesions using both traditional and folk methods, and surgical operations.

Pretty effective treatment is physical therapy, through which adhesions soften and become more elastic. This makes it possible to get rid of the nagging pain and eliminate inflammation. One of the most popular methods of physical therapy is treatment with leeches.

You can also use antibiotics to doctor's subject to possible contraindications. However, such treatment should be carried out only in combination with vitamins, to maintain the body's immunity.

It is also possible treatment and anticoagulants, ie drugs that prevent blood clotting and thus the emergence of different seals.

But if the inflammatory process is running, will only operation. In the course of her patient make three small puncture injected with tools and a video camera. This operation takes less than an hour, and can be discharged from the hospital within a few days.

Traditional methods of treatment involve the use of various herbs and blends, with the help of which is held douching. The most commonly used herbal teas from flax seeds, tincture of the root Bergenia. But with this method of treatment is necessary to consult with experts.

Tags: tubes, ovaries, a means spike