How to increase hemoglobin in the blood

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood
 Hemoglobin provides oxygen to the body, so when there is shortage of weakness, dizziness, pallor and dry skin, fatigue. There is anemia (anemia). How can increase the level of this complex protein in the blood?
 Anemia is diagnosed when a complete blood count shows hemoglobin level below 120 g / l in women, 130 l / g for men and 110 g / l in pregnant women and young children. To get rid of anemia, it is necessary to enrich the body with iron - this trace element necessary for the construction of hemoglobin.

Most iron is found in meat, especially veal. Therefore, suffering from anemia should be included in the diet of meat dishes, as well as fish and liver. Cereals, pulses and cereals in addition to iron contains copper, necessary for the normalization of hematopoiesis. But they are also phytates, which slows the absorption of iron. To reduce their number, cereals must fill with water for 2 hours before use, or grinding, to germinate.

Traditionally, to raise the hemoglobin recommend apples, carrots, pomegranates. But their constituent iron, as it turned out, the body can not digest. This does not mean that vegetables and fruits are useless to eliminate anemia. They have a lot of vitamin C, and it enhances the absorption of iron, which is found in meat and fish. Therefore it is useful combination of plant and animal food. So, filet of beef well with a glass of apple juice. Pay attention to the honey - it also improves the absorption of iron, especially the dark variety.

To hemoglobin rose faster, you can use the following recipe. It should be in a coffee grinder to grind buckwheat and walnuts, add honey (all products are taken in a ratio of 1: 1). Stir well and drink 2-3 times a day on a tablespoon.

Good results will be the drink of rose hips, lemon juice, honey. Use it in the morning before eating a glass. Helpful empty stomach to eat one tablespoon wheat germ, dried fruit can be: dried apricots, raisins. Effective and delicious blend of honey, cranberries and walnuts.

Tags: blood, increasing the treatment, anemia, anemia