How to gain weight after illness

How to gain weight after illness
 After the disease, many are faced with the problem of weight loss that you can not even make up. This is an extremely negative fact, such as weight loss can not be healthy. Whatever you told about the virtues of a slim figure, even in jest, though seriously - to the problem of weight loss should be approached seriously, as it can be a troubling symptom of many diseases.

If you are sure that the reason lies in the slimming disease that you have already overcome to regain the former weight and normalize it to the optimum level for your body, you should follow some guidelines:

1. It is necessary to ignite a healthy appetite.
Here are some ways:
- Do not forbid myself to eat your favorite foods;
- Beautifully decorated table - excellent stimulates the appetite, as well as red;
- Improve appetite, if you eat something sour, for example, a slice of lemon;
- A good walk in the fresh air stimulates the appetite;
- Try to eat at the same time;
- And do not forget about sex, it's a great way to not only lose weight but also to normalize your weight.

2. Stick to the diet.
Many recommend increasing the number of meals to five times a day. But we should remember that such a diet in itself is extreme for the body and can lead to problems. The most optimal would be a natural, natural regime - a hearty breakfast in the period from 7 to 9 am, when the stomach is in a phase of maximum activity, lunch and light dinner. It is best to have dinner up to seven hours, or after nine, as in the period from 19 to 21, the stomach is reduced and works less active. For dinner, it is best to eat something easy to digest, such as fruit, and if you have normal acidity, then sandwich with meat.

3.Otdyh and sleep.
So that your body is well rested and recovered, sleep should be long and strong: at least 8 hours. Good sleep reduces stress, improves your mood and well-being and stimulates the appetite. In the first phase of sleep, which is approximately 10 to 11, growth hormone, is responsible for increasing weight, so that in this time is desirable to be in bed forgetting late evenings and festivals. Remember that sleep helps to get rid of the stress hormone, which actively burns fat.

4.Zanyatiya sports.
Yes, exactly. After all, you do not want simply to acquire fat? Physical activity is needed both to those who want to lose weight and those who want to gain weight. Exercise will help your body to properly allocate all received your calories.

5. Get rid of stress.
Try to protect yourself from worries and negative experiences, keep sultry balance. Worrying about something and taking to heart the various problems in life, you'll be hard to gain the desired weight.

6.Pitaytes correctly.
Weight gain contributes to a full and healthy eating. Your task is not to absorb as much calories and give your body everything you need, eating quality. The best formula at this: there is no more, but better!

Tags: Ambassador, stress, weight, diet, disease