How to cleanse the body of salt

How to cleanse the body of salt
 Because of malnutrition or poor hereditary predisposition in the human body is deposited salts. This can lead to the emergence and development of very serious diseases: gout, atherosclerosis, low back pain, and others. Traditional medicine offers effective methods for cleansing the body of salts with plants.
 The first step is to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins. To do so, enter the diet as a possible acid (citric, ascorbic, palmitic, etc.). These acids are harmless to the body, but it is well dissolved wastes. Just try to eat more acidic and sour-milk products (sauerkraut, cottage cheese, yogurt).

During purification can not be abused sharp and salty dishes. During this period, it is recommended foods of plant origin. Should increase physical activity to accelerate oxidation processes in the body.

To clean the body and excretion of salts in the home is well suited this way: take 200 grams of garlic and 500 g of cranberries, skip them through a meat grinder, resulting mass should be insisted. A day later it is necessary to add 1 kg of honey and leave overnight in the table. Then store it in the refrigerator. Take this mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

Eat more celery. It is very useful, especially for the removal of salts from the joints. For this half celery mince, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and a handful of walnuts. Take this mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon one hour before a meal. The course of treatment - a month.

Successfully applied a method of cleaning the body. To remove salt from the kidneys, you will need to prepare a decoction of the seeds of carrots. Take 3 tbsp. spoon of carrot seeds, zaparte of 750 ml of boiling water, close tightly and leave for about 6-8 hours. Then strain and drink three times a glass.

Cleansing the body of salt should be carried out very carefully, because this process is often accompanied by unpleasant (and sometimes painful) sensations. Together with unnecessary salts can be displayed and potassium salts, which are necessary for operation of the heart muscle, however at this time is further worth to take tablets containing potassium.

Do not forget that the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment can only physician-specialist in this field of medicine.

Tags: body, salt, food, cleaning, path