Allergy to cold or syndrome of migratory birds

 We all know why migratory birds fly south. It's simple: they are not designed to endure the coldness and its consequences. But it turns out, there are people among those for whom not stand the cold. That's just fly away like birds in warmer climes, they can not. And then the body manifests its rejection of the cold allergic to it.

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You probably have noticed yourself that our body is always in some way that if the cold responds. In the cold slightly red cheeks, breath, and when you do a sip of ice water, there is an involuntary spasm of the throat. But the question is how much all these phenomena occur and how quickly then disappear. If the reaction to the excessive cold, so - it is an allergy.

Unfortunately, for a long time refused to recognize the official medicine that is allergic to cold there. Indeed, in the phenomenon of cold, can not identify allergens like pollen, tobacco, wool and other recognized sources of allergies. But because there are people who suffer from allergies to cold and forced to seek help in the hospital, the experience made the same doctors recognize this unusual diagnosis.

Types of allergy to cold

Among all kinds of cold allergy is the most common - cold urticaria when exposed skin, directly in contact with the cold, there are skin reactions: redness, rash, peeling, blisters.

These reactions sometimes appear only in appearance, sometimes cause a burning sensation, and sometimes accompanied by itching. But it is necessary to go to a warm place, as over time, these effects disappear by themselves. At least on the body there are traces of allergy in the form of bruises.

For more complex types of cold allergy include:
• allergorinit
• allergokonyunktivit
• cold as migraine and its aftermath - trigeminal neuralgia
• cold sciatica
• bronchospasm, asthmatic bronchitis, asthma, cold

Of course, these types of allergies are less common in the cold, but their impact is much more serious, because, firstly, by themselves they do not pass, and secondly, among them there are some that poses a risk to human life.

Causes allergic reactions to cold

It should be clarified that it is wrong to consider the sole cause of the allergy to the cold cold itself, as a phenomenon, as measured by low-temperature behavior of air.

Frosty air - just one of the reasons that cause allergies. And in general, not only in winter it arises. It should be understood that in other seasons cold allergy can be triggered by damp climate, cold wind, drafts, taking cold drinks and desserts (eg, ice cream). It can occur if from under the sun you go into the shadows, if sit on some cool surface (ground stone bench).

Speaking of susceptibility to cold allergy, often referred to as hereditary factors, excessive use of antibiotics, the presence in the body of permanent infections, leading to chronic kidney disease and respiratory tract, to thyroid dysfunction and even imagine the presence of caries.

Salvation from allergy to cold

To protect against allergy to cold, consider the following tips:
1. Avoid long exposure to the cold air.
2. Dress warm enough, leaving as little as possible exposed skin.
3. Do not breathe cold air, hide your face in a scarf.
4. Before going out, especially after going to the premises of the street, drink warm tea, if possible take a warm bath.
5. Use fat creams for the face and hands with a UV filter.
6. Use the special drops for the eyes and nose to protect mucous membranes.
7. Enter in your diet foods rich in essential fatty acids (vegetable oils, seeds, mayonnaise, fatty fish).

By therapeutic effects on the body include emergency measures and long-acting. To remove the allergic reaction itself takes 5-10 days antihistamines. Over long periods of time requires treatment herbal tea and acupressure, which raises immunity and homeopathic remedies that help the body at the cellular level to return to normal.

But there is one universal means - hardening. And by the way, it is believed that it is capable not only alleviate the suffering from cold allergy, but with proper and regular use to help get rid of this problem permanently.

Author: Julia Detochkin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: throat, a forum, a bird, a bruise, dampness, allergy, health, disease, syndrome, cold, draft, Allergy