How to grow your nails

How to grow your nails
 Well maintained, strong and shiny nails make hand attractive. However, not every girl can boast a nice manicure. Of course, the problem can be solved in the cabin. A few hours of the wizard, gel and lamp - and your fingers nails new desired length. However, you can go the other way and not to resort to artificial materials. Secure the nail plate - and very soon your hands will look perfect.
 Nails grow constantly - some faster, others - more slowly. Affect the growth rate is almost impossible. But it is really to make regrown nails do not break and retains its shape as long as possible. An integrated approach to the problem - strengthens the skin, take care of the cuticle and continually moisturize hands.

Be sure to buy rubber gloves and do all the housework only in them. Chlorinated water and aggressive detergents make nails brittle and lifeless. Before you wear gloves, brush hands glycerin - during operation, they will receive additional treatments - moisturizing wrap.

Doing manicure, be very careful. Discard the sharp metal tools - they can injure the plate and prevent the growth of the nail. Do not use polishing bars and manicure. Go to cuticle removal by means of special oils and gels.

Choose the correct form of nails. Fragile and brittle wafer sawing grind, giving them a soft oval or square. Do not grow the free edge to the maximum. From time to time to file it, or break a fingernail.

Be sure to apply the reinforcing coating. From the extensive range of perfumeries, select those that are suitable for the solution of your problem. For example, brittle and dry nails need vitamins and nourishing oils, flexible and soft - calcium. Spray on a dry plate, updating it daily. Top nails can be covered with colored lacquer.

Make a change in diet. Specialists Manicure recommend to include in the menu aspic, aspic jelly, as well as foods rich in calcium - yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. Drink vitamin capsules - for example, a complex designed specifically to strengthen nails.

At least twice a week to do special mask for the nails. Purchase at the pharmacy wax, melt it and dip the tips of his fingers. After solidification formed wax caps. Keep them on the fingers of 20-30 minutes, then remove and lubricate the skin and nails firming cream. Wax heals minor wounds, strengthens the skin and makes it smoother.

Not bad acts and lemon juice. Cut the fruit in half and drove nails into the flesh. Have to sit so about half an hour. After the procedure did not wash your hands - it is better to rub cuticle little grape seed oil. From time to time, lubricate the nails vitamins A and E. Nadorvite capsule and apply the oil on the plate. Carefully rub the tool in the nails and skin around them. This procedure is well prodelyvat bedtime, wearing cotton gloves after it for a better absorption of funds.

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