How to learn to do a manicure

How to learn to do a manicure
 The image of a truly well-groomed woman completely impossible without perfect, always fresh manicure. However, in the turmoil of daily activities do not always manage to find time to visit the salon. The most reasonable solution in this case - to learn to do a manicure yourself to always be able to take care of their hands.
 Of course, to make complex nail art nails or build your own is unlikely to succeed, but to properly care for your hands, to give the desired shape nails and do a traditional manicure able to absolutely any woman. No special knowledge is not required, only the important care and accuracy.

Before embarking on self-manicure, preferably a couple of times to visit a good master and carefully watch him work. At the same time, you can discuss the specifics of their nails and skin on the hands, ask for specific recommendations for their care. And after that as there will be a clear understanding of the procedure and the action sequences, manicure can be done independently.

For a good manicure tools are very important. So if you plan to do your own hands, it is advisable to spend some time and money for the purchase of high-quality manicure set, which includes all the necessary scissors, tweezers, cuticle spatula. No less attention should be paid to nail files that need to be selected individually, taking into account the state of the nails.

The procedure itself is quite simple manicure. First, completely removed the remnants of the old varnish. It is better to use a solution not containing acetone - it is less damaging fingernails. Then hold your fingers need a little warm water to the skin and soften the nail plate. Sharp tweezers removes burrs on the skin and in the nail itself and the skin around it rubbed some cream or oil to soften. Then the special spatula or a wooden stick to gently push back the cuticle around the nail to its base. In some cases, make manicure, that is completely cut off the cuticle. However, it is more traumatic for the skin and stimulates its rapid growth.

When finished with the skin around the nail, go to the shaping of the nail plate. If the nails are too long, they can be cut to length with scissors or tweezers, gently rounded corners. The desired shape is imparted with a nail file. Before applying fresh paint, nails dry completely, otherwise it will be bad to stay. Usually begin to paint with the little finger. Strokes are rendered from the root of the nail to the edge. If one layer seems not need to wait for the paint to dry and then apply the next layer. Otherwise nail will fall unevenly, and the nail will look sloppy.

Tags: manicure, nail, nail, cuticle, set, nail file