How to Draw acrylics on nails

How to Draw acrylics on nails
 Manicured hands - a card of any woman. But besides the usual manicure increasingly in recent years women resort to nail design, combining a series of drawings on them. Such procedures in beauty salons are expensive, but you can independently perform drawings on acrylic nails.

Many girls are applied to your nails drawing using varnishes and polishes, but most often used acrylic paints. They are much cheaper, and the result is just as good. Drawing technique can be learned in a specialized salon, and independently, with the help of literature and electronic sources.

To paint with acrylic paint on the nails, it is desirable to adhere to the following:

Buy a special set of tools which includes several brushes, different in size and thickness.


Before you paint with acrylic paint on the nails, they must be applied to basic coverage, which is a transparent or colored matt lacquer.


Then, to dip the brush into the paint, and the paint must not be few or many, it should be sufficient for applying a uniform pattern.


Those who do not have some experience of drawing, do not need to start with a complex pattern, it will be the creation of a very difficult matter. Just do not use when drawing a variety of colors, as they clutter the nail, and it does not look very nice.


Figure should be applied gradually, first circuit - the thinnest brush and then fill it with color. If you are using several colors, you will need to wait for the drying of the paint that is applied first.


When applying the paint need to ensure that the hand shake. It is possible to use different variants of the application, for example, change the angle of the brush and a brush pressing force.


If the pattern is applied to itself, it is necessary to bear in mind that is not very convenient to draw on his right hand left, and vice versa for left-handers. After application of the need to wait for complete drying, and if necessary, apply an anchoring base. Do not be afraid to experiment gently and then all turn out.

Tags: paint, nail brush