How to grow your nails quickly

How to grow your nails quickly
 If you're a fan of long marigold, reinforce their natural nails, instead of making capacity in the cabin. Use special tools for rapid growth.
 Grow long nails will help you homemade recipes. Favorably affect nail growth warm baths with salt and iodine. Dissolve two tablespoons of regular table salt at 0, 5 liters of warm water and pour a few drops of iodine solution. Dip your hands in the tub and hold their quarter of an hour.

A beneficial effect on the growth of nails has and lemon juice. Lubricating them nails, can strengthen their structure. Should throw up a bowl with the juice of half a lemon for ten minutes. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream nails.

Accelerate the growth of nails bath with sea salt. Dilute twenty grams of salt in two cups of warm hearths. Dip your hands in the solution for a quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure three times a week.

Instead of salt you can use baking soda. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water, add a few drops of iodine. Place the solution in hand for ten minutes. After that grease hands with olive oil.

Dip the tips of his fingers in the oil solution for twenty minutes and then pat them with a napkin. To prepare this solution, add a few drops of the warmed oil and glycerin iodine. The nails become stronger and shiny, and their growth will accelerate.

Nails grow faster, improve circulation if the nail plate. Follow the massage nail cuticle area. For massage, use olive oil or any nourishing cream.

The quality of food affects the nails. Make sure that your diet contains foods rich in calcium and vitamins. Eat cheese, cheese and nuts. Try to buy in the drugstore mineral complex with calcium.

Strengthen nails with protective and curative nail polish, and before their application is required to use the database. Your liquid makeup remover should not contain acetone.

Take care of your nails, do not forget to regularly apply a nourishing cream on them, but before doing homework wear rubber gloves. In cold weather, be sure to insulate hands.

Tags: nail