How to grow long nails

How to grow long nails
 Nail health depends on many factors. These include and nutrition, and overall health, and regular care of your hands. Grow long nails can be, but no matter how you try to speed up the process, you'll have to stock up on shares of patience. On average, the nail plate grows 1 cm per month.
 Proper nutrition will contribute to accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Eat as many dairy products, because they are rich in calcium, which is a must to maintain the beauty and health. Include in the diet and fresh fruits, and seasonal. Eat fruits grown on supplements, it is meaningless. They are very low proportion of vitamins.

But some products are not only able to help you to fully achieve the desired result. Make bath for nails. Dissolved in a small basin filled with warm water, a tablespoon of sea salt and add a few drops of iodine. Take bath for 15-20 minutes several times a week. Salt in a complex with iodine encourage the growth of nails and strengthen them.

Fruit acids help strengthen brittle and thin nails and prevent splitting. Wipe the nail plate with a piece of lemon several times a day. Once a week to do "tray" of the halves of a grapefruit. Cut the fruit into two equal parts, and juicy pulp dip fingers. The procedure should take about 5-7 minutes, longer is not necessary. Citrus juice - a panacea, and it will also help whiten yellowed nails.

If the nail platinum grow very slowly, over the weekend, lubricate their usual iodine. Do this before going to bed to the morning of brown gone. Normally, iodine is well absorbed, and traces of it disappear after a couple of hours. But if it does not, then do hand bath with sea salt and then processed directly by peeling nail plate. Well, in extreme cases, can make manicure with dark varnish.

Good effect is observed when taking brewer's yeast, which is written "For nails, hair and skin." Ask about their availability at your local pharmacy. If the yeast you can not drink because of their poor tolerance of the body, eat regular multivitamin complexes.

Do not forget to do a manicure, or even the long nails will look untidy. If you are unable to follow the shape of the nail plate, visit the Manicurist once a week.

Tags: nail