Factors affecting the growth and nutrition for nails

Factors affecting the growth and nutrition for nails
 The women who do not wish to have a beautiful, durable and well-groomed nails! For this purpose attend expensive manicure and pedicure salons, buy expensive tools for nail care. And rightly so. But do not forget that the state of the nails - an indicator of many problems in the body (or their absence). There are several factors that affect the health of nails.

A very important factor - proper nutrition. For proper growth and beautiful appearance of nails need to present in your diet enough protein. Also polish essential fatty amino acids. Do not forget to eat fish and meat, vegetable oil, sources of protein and healthy fats.

Zinc deficiency in the body may cause brittle nails. A sufficient amount of zinc in the body comes together with fish, various seafood (mussels, shrimp, crabs. He was also a lot of meat (especially beef), in the liver oatmeal, seeds and legumes.

Calcium, which is important for nails (and hair) found in dairy products - milk, sour cream, cream, cheese and cottage cheese. Be sure to use them, and nails will be strong and shiny.

Very useful for the growth of nails vitamins A (carotene) and B. Eat a carrot, pumpkin, eggs and grits, greens, wheat germ and oats. Iron have to be in products for those who want to have healthy nails. His many found in red meat, liver, apples, as well as buckwheat.

As you can see, a diet that is recommended for the growth and nutrition of nails is almost identical to the one that tips for a healthy lifestyle - a lot of fiber, herbs, vitamins, moderate fat intake (preferring vegetable), as well as a minimum of carbohydrates. This suggests that only a balanced healthy diet can beautiful nails.

By the way, strict diets, which are so fond of modern women to get involved, do not go to the benefit of the nails, not only throughout the body. Lack of vitamins and essential minerals and trace elements instantly affects the nails. They become brittle, covered with spots and become uneven undulating surface.

Also polish harmful dehydration. Even if you eat right, you can still be brittle nails groomed. This may be due to the harmful effects of the environment. Use gloves during household chores (cleaning, washing dishes), as well as during other activities that may damage your nails.
Use special tools, nails feed - oil that can be rubbed into the nail, as well as vitamins for the growth of hair and nails.

Tags: growth, nail, health, nutrition, factor