Brittle nails and vitamin deficiency

Brittle nails and vitamin deficiency
 The human body feels the need for vitamins and minerals. If you see that your nails become dull, brittle and layering, it means they do not get enough of any vitamins.
 Man gets vitamins from food. Compensate for the lack of useful minerals can also use vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Natural vitamins are absorbed by the body better than synthetic. Therefore, emphasis should do on a healthy diet.

At deficiency of vitamins A and E, nails become dry and brittle. In this case you should increase your intake of foods such as butter, fresh vegetables, eggs, liver, nuts, dairy products and cereals. If you want to start taking synthetic vitamins, consult your doctor.

White spots on the nail plate will tell you about the shortage of vitamin C. To make up for his daily requirement eat citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and herbs.

With a lack of B vitamins nail plate becomes yellowish-gray color, there are bumps and grooves. In this case, increase the consumption of foods such as eggs, chicken, nuts, mushrooms, grains and yeast.

Dull nails signal the lack of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). You can fill a need by eating nuts, mushrooms, dairy products and fish.

If you notice that your nails become brittle, increase consumption of foods rich in calcium. For example, dairy products, nuts, beans, and spinach. In order to better assimilate calcium, enter into the diet and magnesium sources (seeds, cereals, blackberry, banana). To strengthen the nail plate eat seafood, pineapple and carrots, as they contain a large amount of iodine.

Thin nails will tell you about iron deficiency. Make up for the missing amount you can by eating the liver, buckwheat, pomegranates, apples, berries, cauliflower and peas.

In addition to food start to use synthetic vitamins. But before that, be sure to consult a specialist, because it is the doctor to assess the state of your health, you will assign the required vitamin complex.

Tags: nail complex, vitamin deficiency