When beauty - minus for women ...

When beauty - minus for women ...
 "What are the disadvantages can be in beauty? "- Would ask every other sane person. "This idea came up for the sake of self-consolation Ugly" - would have thought he would not be too far from the truth. However born beauty does not mean that all the good of the world will certainly be at your disposal. Beauty often brings problems.

We are convinced from childhood that the external appeal has a lot of advantages. Beautiful children receive more attention from the adults in the school hunk teachers (especially women) often go on concessions, comely adolescents are more popular among their peers, etc. But mostly it comes to boys.

For girls the same beauty - it's a double edged sword. And envy on the part of classmates - this is not the worst of the problems they face. External attractive girl and bias against her by others almost always go hand in hand. Sometimes this bias affects positively, but often negative.

Youth and beauty are the envy not only in adolescents. Often we are witnessing what beautiful girls in school experiencing envy by the same female teachers, especially if the last thirty strong, and they did not arrange her personal life. To the beautiful girls often find fault, unreasonably underestimates, make excessive demands, etc. Of course, all this is done unconsciously, but the girl that does not help.

In addition, the beautiful girls usually face lopsided perception by others. Few people think about the rich inner world and deep intellect beautiful girls: in the first place people see in front of you beautiful doll continue to look extremely rare. As is known, the first impression is very difficult to change.

In ordinary consciousness correlation between female beauty and stupidity tends to unity. Although no correlation between intelligence and visual appeal is not observed, women often suffer from this deep-rooted stereotypes. There is no problem when a woman is really no different mind. But if she wants to be perceived as a person and not just a table decoration, there is a chance it has fewer than the "gray mouse".

In private life, too, not all unique. You probably know that the most common male compliment a woman - "You're so beautiful! ". Very often it becomes a pretext for a wedding. But when a man marries only because his fiancee "so beautiful", the last thing he thinks about how they will work together in their old age to babysit grandchildren. Such a marriage for him - like winning the prestigious cup competitions: it can be put under glass and proudly show to friends / colleagues / competitors. Its a good laugh male ego enough, you can forget about it until the next win. Family, built on such a basis is doomed to failure.

And the biggest problems arise at beautiful girls, if they build their own future, relying only on external data. Photo models or mannequins to become a substantial fee of several thousand units of pretty girls. To become a singer or an actress, having outstanding talent, we must first get a generous sponsor that is seldom too. The number of elderly unmarried oligarchs who dream of leaving a legacy of his beautiful young widow, is very limited. Therefore, the future of a woman who for twenty-five years has learned only cute clap eyelashes and beautiful to wear a bikini, it is not so rosy.

Tags: compliment, first, family, beauty, woman, intelligence, jealousy, personality, marriage, attraction, bias