At first glance, the arguments in favor of this choice of colors undeniable. However, psychologists would argue and to offer an alternative: the colors are chosen based on their psychological effects.
What can be said black outfit? There are two variants of explanation. On the one hand, it can demonstrate the desire of the person to confront whatever is happening around it processes an expression of protest and rejection of reality, trying to attract attention and convey certain information. At the same time it is the willingness to make concessions: so openly stating a claim to their own opinion, if a person opens others calling for dialogue. On the other, the abundance of black may be evidence of general fatigue, sadness, even depression.
If the person in front of you, to show love to the brown tones, it is worth a closer look at it more closely. It is believed that such clothing is selected only people already have achieved something in their life who feel confident in their abilities and the ability to withstand any problems. They are characterized by the love of family, a very sensitive sense of continuity, roots and traditions. Although there may be deviation: as well as black, brown may be a reflection of fatigue.
Wealth of shades of gray always complicates the analysis. Overall, however, psychologists agree that this choice of people who are prone to arguments, preferring always and everywhere a neutral position, not to be among the last, but not seeking the position of leader. It is the color of those who prefer to stay in the shadows, watching the others, thereby delimiting themselves from others.
But the most interesting color - white. If you want to remain a mystery to others, feel free to choose his name, because it is believed that the white-robed man may appear with any temperament and personality.