Fall in love and I was

Fall in love and I was
 Love causes us an incredible feeling: delight, inspired, joy, and happiness even eyes glow. It seems that with such emotions can "move mountains". And of course, we change ourselves. The soul is in the "flight", and the inner world is made better.

Nothing fills life with brightness as feelings and emotions. And perhaps one of the most beautiful "Heart Sounds" - love. Although experience love - not less remarkable. If one day you realize that about someone constantly think these thoughts and forced smile, you are always "in the clouds" and happy expression has been on the face, and then you suffered this pleasant fate - to fall in love.

Perhaps the object of your dreams and do not yet aware of your feelings for him. And of course, you want him to reciprocate. Just learn not so difficult, but you need to also get his attention, to point out that you can become for him unique. How is it done? Try to change, correct, if not all, at least many of its shortcomings. Try to come down "from heaven to earth" and look at ourselves: To evaluate the appearance, behavior, and character. Talk to someone of very close friends: his sister, girlfriend, mother, etc. Perhaps they will point you to the features that really should change.

Maybe you want to fix something, just to feel in new ways. For example, in a different haircut, dye your hair or change clothes more suitable to your inner state. Do not forget that she is making love to a woman, "flavor". In the presence of the men liked it becomes pretty incredible: it awakens the desire to please, but because in the course starts the art of flirting. Sometimes serious "cold" lady turns into a charming lady. Sometimes, the fair sex are not aware of what lurks in their souls.

But be careful with clothes and makeup. If you have a desire to make up brighter or buy outright dress, do not overdo it - follow the boundary between the release of the gray mass and vulgarity, otherwise not be able to avoid the "skew" views.

And remember, feelings and dreams captivate loved a woman can change beyond recognition.

Tags: emotion, love, feelings, dreams, love, unrecognizable