Then imagine a temporary independence from the man. And implements it - sign up for courses cutting and sewn, and a few hours a day and always think of the seams recesses instead of tense and painful thinking about it. Sign up for a dating site, add the best ones to swim and compliments the other men. Learn some exotic art for themselves, such as the tea ceremony. Will have something to show off before the next fan. Good soothe and occupy the thoughts of martial arts. And stress spill, and distracted.
Imagine yourself in a few years, which have developed for you very well. You are beautiful, strong and successful, you have achieved a lot without the help of your current favorite. You do not depend on men, and just let care for themselves and swim in the attention. You are different, so you need to use the technique of "view from the future." Imagine how your new thinking "I", try to meet the high demands of ourselves and every evening a new answer to the question "What's been done to implement a successful future? ".
Accept what is your favorite too will grow and will be different, and your relationship can prevent him grow and develop. Mentally alienate future images of himself and his and tell yourself that respect remains, but the love is gone. Attachment must go back in time and lose its sharpness. If you repeat it to myself often enough, you will soon believe it will become easier.