"Are you pregnant?". Not many women are able to answer this question kindly, because right now they are experiencing a huge revolution in life, and this exposes them to a lot of stress. Moreover, women are beginning to worry about their appearance, and the issue seems to be saying to them: "You recently recovered and look worse." Avoid these questions because women are particularly vulnerable and sensual during pregnancy.
"What, in salty pulled?". Probably hear this question every pregnant woman and more than once. When you ask this question ten times a day if you can take it easy? So think a hundred times before asking such a banal and hackneyed question.
"That you can not do / bad!". It is very interesting that almost everyone around know that you can do during pregnancy, and what not. Woman every day should listen to a lot of reproach: "That you have not! "" From that your child will be bad! "" Do not try to do this, it will have consequences! "Believe me, the only people she will listen to her doctor, husband and mother. Generally speaking, a woman has a head on his shoulders and do not need to constantly blame her for something.
"You need more (insert required)." And this phrase is completely the opposite of the previous one. However, it works exactly the same way and with exactly the same force annoying pregnant women.
"To give birth afraid of?". That's right, why give a woman just for a second forget that awaits her in the future? It should not be distracted for a moment by the fear of impending. Never ask this question for pregnant women, because they begin immediately to worry and worry, become afraid of pain and suffering. But all can go and quietly. Do not give too much cause for concern a woman to bear a child.
"I waiting for?". Of course, everyone is curious to know the sex of the child. But think about it, maybe the parents do not want to know the floor and do not know it until now, maybe they want to keep it to yourself. If they deem it necessary to tell you about such an important thing, they'll do it for yourself, do not be pushy.
"What is the name chosen?". It's all the same way as with the previous question. Want to - tell. Do not attack the poor pregnant women such matters, believe me, you are not the first person who asks them the same question.
"When the baby?". Interestingly, this question is usually just for show, and the answer is missed on deaf ears. Because of what the same person can ask about it every 4-5 days. Agree, it irritates everyone and always.
"Do not buy things for the baby in advance!". This remnant of the old superstitions. Despite the fact that the window for a long time XXI century, people are still afraid to cut hair during pregnancy or to sew and knit. But hair can get in the way, and knitting or sewing can be one of the most popular cases of pregnant women. And one of the most enjoyable activities - it is a choice and purchase of clothing for the future baby.
"Are you going to breastfeed?". Usually considered indecent to discuss in public what is hidden under clothing. But pregnant, apparently, is not covered. This question is extremely tactless and highly personal, do not ask him if you are not close enough to the man.