Any sea salt is useful if used consistently, however, won the most popular Dead Sea salt. This is due to the fact that they have a lot of useful minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine. Common salt they contain less, and it is also a significant advantage, because it dries the skin.
Dead Sea salts are widely used in cosmetics as a tool that allows to excrete excess water, exfoliate dead skin cells, stimulate the metabolism and accelerate the flow of lymph.
In order to achieve the desired effect, you should take a bath with salt powder. Draw the water bath (the temperature should not be higher than 36-37 degrees). Dissolve half a kilo of salt in liter tank with hot water and pour the solution into the bath. Do these procedures twice a week for fifteen minutes. After that, take a shower and get wet body with a towel. Repeat the water treatment for several months, until the visible result. In addition to eliminating cellulite and you will achieve greater elasticity and softness of the skin.
Sea salt - a great scrub and massage remedy for cellulite. Take 6 tablespoons of sea salt and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil. Add back the pulp of grapefruit and massage this mixture moist skin. Then take a shower. Repeat this massage several times a week to achieve the effect.
Good help and such a massage blend. A glass of salt mixed with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add to the same aromatic oil (peach suit or rosemary, and orange). Mix well and let stand for half an hour. Then carefully promassiruyte this mixture the body, from the feet. At the end, take a warm shower.
Sea salt can be used not only as a massage tool, but also inside. Only it is necessary to consult with your doctor, as this method can be harmful to those who have stomach problems. If no contraindications, then dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink daily.
Even if you do not get rid of cellulite, your skin will become healthy appearance, velvety and soft.