The effectiveness of canned massage cellulite
Cellulite appears due to various reasons, such as a sedentary lifestyle and stagnation in the subcutaneous layer. Massage improves blood circulation by banks in the troubled areas of the body that are difficult to work even with the help of active exercise.
This massage leads to the flow of blood that supplies the skin cells with oxygen, tightens it gives tone. In addition, the intercellular space of cells and their derived contaminating substances, and toxins. If there are some defects of the skin in the form of scars, they are slightly smoothed.
Intensive can massage the problem areas of the body will help you not only to return the external beauty, but also improve your body. Very useful such procedures in some nervous diseases. Massage banks has a calming effect, despite the possible pain.
Features silicone cans
Anti-cellulite massage banks, made of silicone, are more elasticity and softness than those made of rubber. In pharmacies, you can buy a whole set of products of different diameters.
The effectiveness of silicone jars large enough. However, not all women their favor, as the massage with such products more painless. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the advantage of silicone cans - simplicity and ease of use. They provide easy sliding and prevent ruptures of the capillaries.
How to use silicone massage banks
Before using silicone cans must read their manuals as well, since it is usually clearly indicated massage line. Prior to the procedure, the skin should be warm and clean. To do this, you can buy a special anti-cellulite scrub hot or do it yourself, for example, on the basis of freshly ground coffee and honey.
Conduct can massage the abdomen only 2 hours after a meal.
This tool not only removes dead skin cells, will open the pores, but will also provide its power. After intensive massage scrub must be washed with hot water and begin to spray warm massage oil (better thermoactive) on the problem area.
Lovers of essential oils should be taken to their use with great caution, as overheating during canned massage is able to cause thermal burns of the skin. Just add a massage means 5 drops of essential oil of citrus. Essential and massage oils available over the counter.
Do not forget to care for your skin after a massage. To do this, the problem area, apply anti-cellulite cream.
Once the skin is oiled, you can install anti-cellulite banks. For this purpose it is necessary to compress the two fingers and attach to the skin, wherein the silicone product formed within a vacuum.
To prevent hematoma formation, it is necessary to constantly move the bank in an upward direction. With regard to the degree of intensity of suction products, it should be determined independently.
Such procedures should be done duration 20-40 minutes every other day for 1 month. Then you need to take a break, as the skin gets used to the massage, which is why its effectiveness is reduced. The next course is desirable to start at 1, 5 months rest of procedures.
Anti-cellulite massage silicone banks: contraindications
Like other types of treatments, anti-cellulite massage with silicone cans has contraindications. These include:
- The presence of nevi;
- Dermatitis and other skin disorders;
- Varicose veins.
Is not permitted and can massage while banning overheating, since it is produced only in a well-heated skin.