Intimate hair removal.

 The skin in the bikini area is very delicate and sensitive, so, so intimate parts of the body, requires particularly careful care. How to spend intimate hair removal, so as not to cause irritation and redness of the skin? - This question is raised by millions of women around the globe. Women's magazine JustLady tell about the intimate hair removal in detail, in order to generate at beautiful ladies a clear idea about this, not the most pleasant procedure.

In the category Women's Health: Immunity folk remedies

Booked - is forearmed!

To dateIntimate hair removalnot once and for all rid the hair of women, he in the bikini area. Some ways to remove unwanted hairs are painful and may even stimulate additional hair growth. Women's Site JustLady will give an overview of various tools that are armed with modern representatives of the fair sex in the fight for smooth skin. Everything in order.

Electrodepilator. Patience, only patience ...

Intimate hair removal can be carried out and at home. It's enough to buy electrodepilator. To hair removal was easy and efficient, before application should steam the skin (you can take a bath). After that, the skin should be disinfected. If all the preparatory work has been completed, you can safely conductintimate hair removal at home. JustLady reveals the secret of how to increase the effectiveness of hair removal and reduce her pain. It's enough to pull out the hairs against the growth and pull the skin a little. In order toIntimate hair removalnot cause severe redness, and the effect of the procedure was longer, use special tools postepilyatsionnye. Do not immediately after hair removal to close the skin clothes, let her little "breathe." The effect of electrolysis lasts about 2 weeks.

Wax - hot fun

Intimate Waxing is called waxing. Before the procedure, the hair removal wax is heated and placed on the skin. Once the wax has cooled, it abruptly removed together with the hairs. Like This,Intimate hair removal can be carried out cold, warm and hot wax. We hasten to inform you that the most painless way - a hot wax hair removal. The effect of such a procedure is one month. Women's magazine JustLady does not recommendintimate hair removal hot wax at home. It is better to consult an expert.

Mechanical depilation. Quick, easy and short-lived

At home, you can use a mechanical depilation - shaving machine. For this purpose we disinfect the skin in the bikini area and remove the hairs on growth. To soften the skin and reduce irritation, use the tools after depilation. Just remember that the effect of this procedure is 1-2 days. After all hairs are removed not the root, but only removed their upper part.

Chemical attack

To dateIntimate hair removalmay be performed using various chemical agents. Dosing is pretty simple: just put means for the bikini area and wait a bit. Depilatory creams contain chemicals that make the hair very brittle. After some time, simply remove the hairs special shovel. The effect of such a procedure is one week.

Enzyme hair removal. Science guard Beauty

In this case,Intimate hair removal carried out using an infrared heat. This procedure is performed in salons. Master puts on the bikini area, special substances - inzimy. They contain natural extracts, which favorably affect the skin. After that, using infrared heat. During the procedure inzimy penetrate the skin and affect the hair follicle. Result - slows hair growth. After the enzyme depilation wax hairs are easily removed. To achieve high efficiency, the procedure should be repeated five times.

Electrolysis. The current strength for smooth skin

I have to say that this procedure is quite painful.Intimate hair removal as follows: Master introduces hair follicles thin needles. Then, a needle is passed through the charge electric current needed to power. Under the influence of the current strength, the bulb is destroyed. For prolonged effects of the procedure should be repeated several times.

Epilation hair removal and laser - a comparative analysis

These methodsIntimate hair removal are similar to those that relate to the mean light epilation. In the first case, the affected hairs strong light output in the second - the laser. It is important to know that epilation is suitable for all women. But laser hair removal is recommended for women with light skin and dark hair. How Come? The laser does not "see" the blond hair on dark skin. For long-term effects of the procedure should be repeated several times.

We have described the main waysIntimate hair removalKnown to date. Women's magazine JustLady told you about the features of each. Choose what you like, and be irresistible!

Julia Poroshenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair removal, hair removal