In the category Health: Immunity
• First of all, the choice of a particular means, pay attention not to a beautiful box or jar, and its contents. The cost of it, submitted to the German magazine "Expert" in expensive cosmetics sometimes 5 times lower than the price of the package.
• The most rational packaging - plastic tube. In her cream is best protected against the penetration of germs. If you purchased in a jar, do not throw plastic or plastic strip, which is under the hood. She plays the role of a barrier - the air, and with it the harmful microorganisms can not penetrate into the jars.
• The cream should not contain impurities, foreign bodies, lumps, pellets, crystals. On its surface, as well as the edges must not be pronounced yellow plaque or precipitated water.
• Note whether framed label. According to the Law on the Rights of the consumer, it should contain not only information. On the amount of product, the expiration date, certification, bar code, address or phone number of the manufacturer, but be sure to
declare the product. Foreign firms are required to provide all information about cosmetics in Russian.
• The declaration should include all substances included in the composition of cosmetic products in descending order of concentration: in the first place component contained in the largest quantities.
• Shelf life means skin care - creams, gels, lotions, masks, serums - ranging from 6 months to a year. Shelf life of cosmetics depends not only on the production date shown on the packaging, but also on when you started to use the tool. Outdoor cream even if it only yesterday produced, can not maintain its properties during 2 years. To cosmetics with a long shelf life (over 3 years) show special attention.
• If the label instead of a list of ingredients you will only see the inscription "Made according to old recipes" - do not risk your health.
• Do not overload the skin greasy creams. They clog the pores, blocking
the access of oxygen, preventing the skin to breathe.
• Be careful not to overdo it with the use of retinol (Vitamin A) - prolonged its application deprives the skin of natural protection from the sun's rays type A, causing skin aging.
• Do not use cosmetics for the face with a strong odor.
• Excessive consumption of sugar and sweet leaves marks on the skin. It becomes oily and covered with pimples.
• Pillowcases should be changed at least once a week, as the night life activity skin leaves traces.