Vitamins for female beauty

Vitamins for female beauty
 The human body needs vitamins. When you get a full range of nutrients, you may not even notice their presence. But the lack of immediately manifested in the appearance and health. To always remain beautiful, a woman must follow the replenishment of vitamins.
 To date, there are many vitamins that the body needs. Vitamin A (retinol) helps prevent aging earlier. With its lack, you will notice that the skin starts to peel off, there are acne and furunculosis, it becomes obvious effect of cross-section of the tips of the hair, etc. To avoid this, you should take 1, 5-2 mg of vitamin A daily.

Also pay attention to the B vitamins Experts recommend taking these substances together to achieve rapid assimilation. Take vitamins thrice daily 25-50 mg.

Wishes to have a beautiful and healthy skin should be regularly replenish vitamin C (ascorbic acid). With the help of this vitamin in the body produces elastin and collagen, which prevents aging and dull skin, formation of pigment spots, etc.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is also an excellent tool in the fight for women's beauty. With it, you can slow down the aging process, protect your skin from the harmful effects of the skin, strengthen muscle tone. Take a daily 15 mg.

Vitamin H (biotin) has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. In particular, it strengthens the hair follicles, preventing hair loss. The daily body's need for this element is 0, 15-0, 3 mg. It can be obtained by using special supplements developed based on brewer's yeast.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is an indispensable party "breathing" of the cells of your body. Namely it has the most effect on the color of the skin. If you do not supply the body with 14-20 mg of vitamin E daily, the skin will begin inflammation, and the hair will fall out. However, this element is assimilated with difficulty. To expedite the process, add to your diet of animal protein, which contains the amino acid tryptophan is necessary for the synthesis of nicotinic acid.

Monitor your body - always stay beautiful

Tags: beauty, woman, vitamin