Immediately after showering with skin firming cream must be applied. It is not necessary to purchase and use the first available agent. Not to hurt yourself, visit a dermatologist and he can help you determine the brand. Of course, the cream should be used only after 30 women and ladies who have problems with breast cancer. Young healthy breast does not require such drastic methods. Mammologists recommend a specific diet to those who are concerned about the state of their breasts. On the day of the woman should drink 2-2, 5 liters of clean water and at least 200 mm of fresh juice. You also need to eat at least 0, 5 kg of vegetables, 300 grams of dairy products and 5-6 medium-sized fruit.
But nourishing and firming masks, especially from natural ingredients can be used at any age. Mix equal parts sour cream and honey, add a little corn flour to make a lot of more viscous. Apply the mask on the chest area for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Grate a medium-sized radishes, squeeze the juice. Add to it a tablespoon of olive oil and the mixture was lay on the breast, avoiding contact with her nipples. Keep this mask you need 10-15 minutes. If you suddenly feel discomfort, stop the procedure.
Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with the same amount of any vegetable oil, add egg yolk and mix ingredients. Apply the mask on his chest and let it dry. Once you feel that the skin began to tighten, rinse the mask. To improve the effect, experts advise in any (even a purchased) tool to add two or three drops of essential oils. Firming properties have rose oil, jojoba, grapeseed, fir, clove. Beauticians are advised to abandon the use of soap because it dries the skin. To wash the breast is best to use shower gel or cream soap.
And most importantly, it is regular exercise. They are able to pull up the chest in the shortest time. Every morning, you need to perform a little warm-up, literally 5-7 minutes. And twice a week is necessary to conduct full workout. Of course, the emphasis needs to be done on the muscles of the upper body. A good result can be achieved by working with dumbbells, pressing, making the bridge, performing various Mahi hands.
First results can be achieved in just a couple of weeks of comprehensive training. But after you've pulled muscles and improve skin tone, do not stop to perform procedures and exercise. If you are satisfied with the state of their breasts, exercises can be performed less frequently, but completely abandon them is not recommended. If you stop to take care of feeding, regression may occur.