Rule 1. No need to force yourself.
Spend a day of health and beauty must be free of coercion, even by their own beliefs. Everyone should independently come to the realization that among weekdays week at least one day should be devoted to their health and their beauty. This day should give joy and pleasure, it should be so pleasant to him and wanted to repeat again. If you like to play sports - Perform a walk in the fresh air or a jog, play in the outdoors with friends, children, active if you do not like - you should not push yourself too actively move will be good enough, but psychologically the body interprets it as abuse on themselves. This rule does not apply to bad habits. Be that as it may, one day, you can give up cigarettes, alcohol and overeating.
Rule 2. Dedicate this day only a favorite.
In life, sometimes we have so little time to devote to themselves, and so want to lie a little longer in the morning in bed, not to think about the work and housework, you just want to relax. Day health and beauty is just perfect for this. This is your day. Visit the beauty salon, treat yourself to new things. If you want to try and opportunities that day to do cleanses the body treatments. For example, make this day a certain diet and stick to it. Eat only healthy and useful to cook at home. If you have decided that it is time to exercise or quit smoking - day health and beauty can be a starting point.
Rule 3. Try to create an appropriate atmosphere around him.
Particularly necessary in the health and beauty day completely focused on its importance. We can not allow anything to distract you from the importance of this day. No wonder many experts advise to hold family days of health and beauty, when all the people close to support each other in the desire to be healthy and beautiful. If such days you will spend often, they may well be certain of your family ritual and tradition.
Rule 4. The main health and beauty.
Whatever it was, this day is still a day of health and beauty, so it is these two circumstances you should pay attention, therefore, to determine for themselves the particular day, you need to clearly imagine what goals you want to achieve. It is not necessary to hope that one day you will be able to improve health and to become more beautiful. Health & Beauty just disappear quickly, and restored over the years, so do not spray their energy on apparently unattainable goal. Simply determine for themselves what can be realistically achieved in one day. For example, in one day it is possible to rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances, having a purification procedure, or change something in their appearance. It is possible to improve their psychological state visiting a number of special procedures. In the end, you can simply relax and recharge your batteries for the coming weekdays.