Six Secrets of Cleopatra

Six Secrets of Cleopatra
 Cleopatra called female legend of Egypt. Her name - a symbol of feminine beauty, strength and attractiveness. Legends about the ruler came to our time. Cleopatra was truly amazing and very clever queen. In addition, she left invaluable secrets to the success of women.

Cleopatra was not only beautiful. This queen had an excellent memory and determination. Secrets of Cleopatra - is its game: with destiny, with feelings and even death. With the help of these games it reached power, love and wealth.

Modern women should learn some of its games. There are six secrets to the success of the Queen, which are known today.

1. The game is crazy
Cleopatra's secret to success lay in the fact that the queen to think through every detail his steps, phrases and dialogues to develop strategies. Of the men of that time she chose a great Caesar and win his love courage and determination.

2. Love game
Cleopatra was well aware that spoiled a man in love is difficult to hold the next, so it should always something to interest. Caesar was captivated by a mysterious and inaccessible queen.

3. Married game
Marriage - is silence, then a storm. But Cleopatra avoid large scandals and quarrels, she was able to distract the man from anger and rage pleasant trifles and female affection. This cunning woman married him on himself Anthony, who already had a wife. With the women's tricks, it was interesting loved until his death.

4. fateful game
Cleopatra was not afraid to take risks and constantly tempt fate. She led an active life. More than once she refused to meet Caesar, thereby risking the loss of a loved one. But the surprises for your beloved she made unforgettable. For example, she gave him a magnificent ship. The commander was delighted gift and immediately realized that Cleopatra - powerful ruler while deeply loving woman.

5. Games "inimitable"
The main rule of Cleopatra - live as if living the last day. Life should be filled with a variety of events.

6. Deadly Game
This woman was not afraid to die. When she learned that she and her husband are doomed, then chose a unusual way of death - a snake bite. You also do not need to torture the bad thoughts about death. Unhappiness should be taken for granted. There is no perfectly happy people, everyone there are ups and downs.

Lived in the world and the other women with the same name, but in the history of Cleopatra - only one. First of women politicians. It was feared and admired her at the same time. Therefore, the secrets of Cleopatra and relevant today.

Tags: game, success, secret of Cleopatra