Practical tips and advice on hair removal legs

Practical tips and advice on hair removal legs
 To remove unwanted vegetation down women often choose depilation - a variety of ways to get rid of the hair, which do not have an effect on hair follicles. Depilation is easy to do at home, it does not require significant financial costs. There are a few secrets to help make hair removal legs more efficient and not to injure the skin.


Hair removal razor - the simplest and most common way. The effect of shaving is kept short - no more than a few days, often with such troubles as cuts, ingrown hairs in skin irritation.

Avoid ingrown hairs can, if well before shaving to soften the skin and moisturize and then remove dead top layer of skin with a scrub. Choose scrubs with fine abrasive particles - large can cause no less irritating than a razor. Use special gel or shaving foam - thick foam lift the hairs facilitate sliding blade.

Please do not compromise on the machine, choosing cheap razors and using them many times - first, Blunt blades bad hair clean and injure the skin, and secondly, it threatens to infection with small cuts.

Do not spend shaving blade on the same skin area several times - it will cause irritation. Do not shave against the direction of hair growth - this often becomes the cause cuts. After depilation necessarily apply to his feet emollient cream, but to rub his feet washcloth or scrub is not necessary.

Depilatory creams

Using creams - a painless and effective method of hair removal. Chemical depilation does not injure the skin, but creams often cause allergies, so the test by an allergic reaction is necessary.

Owners hard and dark hair on the legs should not be pinned great hopes on cream - some hairs he can not dissolve, so no less than a day after its use will have to take and razor.

Never apply the cream for hair removal, if the skin has sores, minor cuts, irritation. Removing the layer of cream with a spatula, try not to press too much on the skin, so as not to hurt her sharp-edged spatula.


Self depilation most commonly used cold wax - strips coated with a layer of wax on them glued to the skin, and then abruptly removed together with the hairs sticking. It's pretty painful, but quite effective.

Relieve pain during the procedure, you can, using special creams with an anesthetic. To be most effective procedure is essential to degrease the skin before waxing using talc or alcohol-containing lotion, but after hair removal tools with an alcohol in the composition is better not to use - it is better to choose means, relieves irritation and soothes the skin.

To remove the redness and discomfort on prodepilirovannye areas can be briefly put a cold compress.

Depilation with hot and warm wax at home is better not to avoid burns. Furthermore, independently to remove wax from the back of the legs is not always convenient, because this part of the surface of the skin injury, incomplete removal of hair, ingrown hairs.

Tags: leg hair removal, recommendation, depilation, Council