How fast to lose weight in the stomach area: strive for the ideal body

How fast to lose weight in the stomach area: strive for the ideal body
 The abdomen is often the cause of serious complexes for women to get rid of it you must follow certain principles in the diet and do fitness. If you want to quickly get rid of the extra inches in the waist and abdomen to remove, use the following guidelines.

Diets for quick weight loss belly

There are many different diets for simple stomach. But the most beneficial to health still remains a proper diet. It not only helps to lose weight in the stomach, but also to warn yourself from many diseases.

How fast to lose weight in your stomach? Observe the correct diet: Eat 3 - 5 times a day. Single serving size should not exceed 200 grams. Try to eat every 2, 5 - 3 hours, do not bring themselves to strong feelings of hunger.

How to lose weight in the stomach fast? Eat foods with low calorie and rich in nutrients. At breakfast, a good cook myself cheese, milk porridge, cereal with milk, etc. Lunch - the bulk food intake, it is advisable to eat some soup, as well as the second. The first dish should not be fat, so for soups, use lean meat or fish. On a side dish for a second use buckwheat, rice, barley, potato puree. In the evening, well digested vegetables in fresh, cooked or baked form.

Between meals make snacks: fruit, vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, yogurt.

Exercises for quick weight loss belly

Perform this complex is recommended in the morning before breakfast or after 1 and 5 hours after a meal.

How to lose weight in the stomach area? Do the following exercise. Lie back on the floor, hands pull ahead, legs lift up. On the exhale, lift your body off the floor and stretch as much as possible in advance. Hold for several seconds, then with the breath down to the floor. Make another 25 lifts.

How can I quickly remove belly fat using exercise? Palm put under the pelvis, legs lift up. On the exhale, lift your buttocks off the floor and stretch hips as high as possible. Inspiratory sank back. Perform another 9 lifts.

Try as much as possible to delay the pelvis at the top, not lower it to the floor immediately.

Compliance with these guidelines will help to effortlessly get rid of belly and make your figure more slender and toned. The process of weight loss will be slow, but effective, the result you save for a long time.

Tags: stomach exercise, the body region