Even if you do not get enough sleep, then it can mask fatigue and save during the day bright and attractive appearance.
To no one had thought about your sleepless night, start the morning with water treatments. Take a contrast shower or at least wash first with hot, then cold water. Alternate hot and cold water several times to refresh the face. The last washing should include only cold water. Sudden change in temperature will return you a cheerful appearance and improve blood circulation.
In the dream, the body does not only rest, but also restores the protective force, healthier, and the same thing happens with the skin. If after a sleepless night you see in the mirror swollen and pale face with enlarged pores, make a mask to cleanse the skin - it will narrow pores, restore healthy complexion and refresh you. After the mask, apply to the skin nourishing moisturizer that protects it from the negative impact of the external environment and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.
Finally, one of the most important moments in the morning procedures sleepy girl is the right makeup. Leather sleepy man paler than usual, so use makeup paler tone than usual. Emphasize fresh face pinkish tones of powder and foundation, being careful not to overdo the amount of cosmetics.
Do not use bright shades and bright lipstick. Bring your eyes after a sleepless night, you can brown or gray pencil and apply light shade and neutral. Dark and bright shade only accentuate your fatigue. Bright, but not pale lipstick natural shades will help give the appearance healthy.
Remember that bright makeup attract attention to your face, and then select all the shortcomings and defects caused by a sleepless night. If you do not get enough sleep - choose pastel makeup.