Effect of pregnancy on the exterior: how to avoid unpleasant surprises

Effect of pregnancy on the exterior: how to avoid unpleasant surprises
 For some women, pregnancy - is not only happy while waiting for the baby, but the unrest about their appearance. It's no secret that pregnancy - it's quite a serious burden for the female body, which including has an effect on the appearance of the expectant mother.  
 The skin of a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive and susceptible to external influences, so cosmetics should be selected more carefully and cautiously. Do not need to experiment with the latest cosmetic innovations, use proven tools that are suitable for your skin type and do not cause an allergic reaction. Be sure to moisturize and soften skin special milk or lotion for the body, it will help reduce stretch marks and prevent dryness and discomfort. Now on sale there are special cosmetics for pregnant women. This softer sparing agents without dyes and fragrances that will help you maintain the beauty and care for themselves.

Pay special attention to the chest. Every day, take a warm shower and to wash the nipples with neutral soap. Buy comfortable bra made of natural fabrics with wide straps and deep cups, which will be well supported breasts. Tone of the breast can be maintained, and with the help of a contrast shower. In addition, wear a special bra and bandage will help to avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

With regard to the condition of the hair, then many women during pregnancy they become more dense, strong and shiny. It is associated with increased body levels of estrogen. Disclaimer of haircuts during pregnancy - one of the most common misconceptions. A haircut is not only possible, but necessary, the kid will not do any harm, and you save a neat well-groomed appearance and will remove split ends. From hair coloring is better to abstain in the first trimester, when there is an intensive development of organs and tissues of the fetus. In the future, more sparing use of hair dye without ammonia or buy tint tools to easily change the color of the hair, and do not forget about natural dyes: henna and Basma. Just be sure to do the staining test for allergic reaction, causing a bit of money in the crook of the elbow. If the skin turns red and the redness remains for a long time - so the paint can not be used.

Include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, E and C - greens, fresh fruits and vegetables. Remove from the menu, fried and fatty foods, coffee, alcoholic and soft drinks, limit the intake of spicy and salty, take special vitamins for pregnant women. Proper care and nutrition to help you keep your outer beauty and attractiveness.

Tags: time, hair, pregnancy, state, woman, surprise, pregnant, influence