The figure of your dreams: the secrets of personal trainers stars

The figure of your dreams: the secrets of personal trainers stars
 Celebrities, which you can see at the award ceremony "Oscar", you need to be in good physical shape. They have to spend a considerable amount of time and money to maintain a beautiful and slim figure. But the "stars" have their own secret weapon - an opportunity to engage with the best fitness instructor. Here are a few secrets of harmony "star" of celebrities and their personal trainers advice.  
 1. David Kirsch - fitness trainer Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell

To maintain the shape of David Kirsch recommends that you use the most simple things. For example, an ordinary ball is perfect for training muscles inner thighs and buttocks. Sit on a chair, hold the ball between your knees and slowly tighten your muscles. Then, count to 30 and relax while holding the ball. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Thanks to this simple exercise strengthens the muscles causing the inner thighs and hamstrings. According to the professionals, these areas are the most trudnotreniruemymi.

2. Joe Dodel - Coach Claire Danes and Anne Hathaway

Advice from Joe Dodel is: to make the muscles strong, and the body more resilient during training is necessary to reduce rest time between sets. Then the muscles will be in constant tension, but they will not be overstrained. At the end of the training necessary to give your muscles a rest a little longer. Through this method can reduce by 20% the workout, as muscles will work much harder.

3. Daniel Loizhrot - Pilates expert working with Naomi Watts

Daniel Loizhrot recommends during exercise regularly replenish the water balance of the body. This will help prevent overheating, dehydration and cramps.

4. Gregory Juan Roche - coach Rachel Weisz, Demi Moore and Avril Lavigne

Hollywood fitness instructor Gregory Juan Roche argues that during exercise is very important to throw away all thoughts out of my head and focus entirely on the body. He also advises to perform only those exercises that help you feel good.

5. Katy Keyler - instructor Julia Roberts

Exercises from Kathy Keyler with an elastic band that can be performed at home and in the gym to help the actress Julia Roberts to stay in good physical shape.

6. George Michael - coach Meg Ryan, Reese Witherspoon and Julianne Moore

If you do not have time for a full workout, you may need advice of George Michael. He advises to choose exercises that affect the maximum number of body muscles. To maintain a good shape, it will be enough, and four of these exercises. Thus each half-arm will operate more efficiently than when working through it separately. Michael George also recommends to make diversity in every workout. You can also use a variety of lunges, squats, and even some of the techniques of martial arts.

7. Mark Blanchard - fitens coach Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez

Mark Blanchard argues that the key to successful training is proper breathing. It therefore recommends to clients his famous always watching your breath while you exercise. When uniform inspiratory and expiratory muscles get plenty of oxygen and will work much harder. In a moment it should turn out about 12 breaths.

Tags: star, coach, fitness, secret figure, celebrity