How to prepare for starvation

How to prepare for starvation
 Any diet - it's a great stress on the human body. Often it turns out that after you manage to lose a few pounds overweight back again, and again you have to restrict your diet. This can be avoided if properly prepare for the fasting mentally and physically.  
 Moral preparation is important that you make it easier to move the time at which you are going to eliminate virtually all food, and do not break. First you need to clearly set a goal - that is to decide to what extent you need to lose weight.

Make a table into which you can enter its parameters at the beginning of the diet, and then what you want to be in the end. Record your weight, waist and thighs, if desired, you can add other features, but the main graph in the table - the weight.

When planning your goals do not forget to consider your body type and characteristics given to you by nature. Some women dream weigh no more than 45 - 50 pounds, aligning themselves with the well-known models, but do not realize that just genetically inclined to be overweight, have a different height and a bit older than their "standards." If you do not think about it, you can set an unattainable goal and fully disappointed in the diets, and in myself.

This table will not only mark the limit to which a worthwhile endeavor, but will constantly remind you that if a little patience, you will look much better, that is a great incentive.

Pre-plan the best time for fasting, not to planned holidays, during which will be a great temptation to try a variety of dishes. It is advisable that you at this time were on vacation - limit yourself to food and work is difficult, because you need more power, and also your colleagues are constantly snacking, which is why the desire to eat will only increase.

It is best to go on a diet in the summer, when there is not very desirable. The human body is designed so that in winter it tends to accumulate body fat, which is why at this time of hunger is experienced more frequent and severe. In addition, in the summer a lot of fruits and vegetables, which in small doses will not cause any harm, and you will not suffer because of remorse, if you accidentally fall through and eat too much apple.

Physical preparation for the fasting is also very important. It is better to reduce the number of servings of food consumed, so that the body has had time to adjust to the new regime. Also better than before fasting to eat more fruits and vegetables. They contain fiber, which perfectly stimulates peristalsis, and you need to prepare the digestive system to a new lifestyle. Moreover, eating this way you will be able to lose a few extra pounds, so it will be possible to reduce some of the fasting period.

Tags: training