Give himself up after the holidays: body cleansing

Give himself up after the holidays: body cleansing
 This tradition load up and get drunk on every holiday for the last time as hardly ever go away from our homes, even though the challenges and health complications it brings.

Due to overeating internal organs are in constant tension, they are overwhelmed and can not work at a normal pace, because of what a person is constantly feels tired. Disturbed digestion, blood poisoned by toxins that are released from undigested decay products, toxins clog the kidneys. The whole situation is exacerbated by large amounts of alcohol. If someone came to mind to destroy mankind, then it would be sufficient to extend the New Year for several months. But, fortunately, this is not possible, and we will try not to be enemies of his body in the future ... until the next holiday.

To facilitate the work of the internal organs, is not enough to stop eating, the more that you still need to get vitamins and strength to fight with all the newly gained problems and immune reconstitution. To improve digestion is better on the day of the holiday start taking activated charcoal and drink it for three or four days, following the instructions. Must adhere to a strict diet: indulge in any junk food. It includes a high-fat dairy products, meat products, either fried, salty, sweet, flour food, soft drinks and alcohol.

Despite all the limitations, the list of approved products is wide enough to satisfy every taste preferences. Oat or buckwheat porridge, seasoned with olive oil and raisins, is a great breakfast on posleprazdnichnye two weeks. These cereals are rich in vitamins and help cleanse the body of toxins. Fruit salad, not including bananas, or a glass of fresh pineapple, orange or grapefruit juice in the afternoon will bring lightness and sunny mood, as well as strengthen the immune system. Low-fat chicken broth and one hundred grams of boiled cauliflower - that's useful and nutritious lunch. For dinner, you can boil the fish with better sea, and some green beans. Before going to sleep enough to drink a glass of nonfat yogurt or thana.

Besides all this useful for digestion is green tea without sugar. Decoction of cranberry and lingonberry will serve as a diet for kidney and find the strength to help further recovery healthy sleep and daily walks in the green zone.

Tags: body, celebration, Ambassador, order, cleaning