Fasting days on the water

Fasting days on the water
 Fasting day on the water is the most severe cases fasting day, which requires a minimum of means, maximum endurance and patience. Fasting day on the water - this is the usual day of fasting. Before the water than to arrange a fasting day, you need to think carefully whether you can endure it to the end.

The essence of the water discharge of the day is that during the day can not be absolutely nothing to eat, and to drink only non-carbonated mineral or spring water. Daily volume of water should be at least 2, 5 liters.

The effectiveness of the discharge of the day on the water is, above all, that drink the water completely fills the stomach and thus the sensation of hunger. In addition, the water has a positive effect on the human body: the therapeutic effect (cleansing of the body and weight loss) and cosmetic effect (rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin).

In terms of weight loss Water fasting day is the most effective. The daily weight loss of 1 to 2, 5 kg. It is not recommended to arrange fasting days more than 1 time per week. Before and after the discharge date should pay special attention to your diet. On the eve of the day of the discharge should be to arrange a low-calorie dinner no later than 19:00, and the next day after the discharge is necessary to try not to use heavy and fatty foods. Arrange fasting day is necessary, it is desirable in the same day of the week.

Among other things, water fasting days play an important role in the education of self-discipline, willpower, self organization skills in achieving this goal.

Perhaps many women who can endure fasting day, can boast not only getting rid of pounds, but its durability and endurance.

Over time, fasting days on the water will not be perceived as an ordeal.

Through weekly fasting days on the water, you can not only become slimmer, but also younger and more attractive.

Tags: water diet