Diuretics for weight loss

Diuretics for weight loss
 Currently, a popular way to lose weight is the use of diuretics. In another referred to as diuretics. These agents facilitate the excretion of body fluids, in turn, leads to a large reduction in the swelling of tissues and organs and, consequently, to reduce weight.

Chemical diuretics

Chemical diuretics - a medication that created artificially. Examples of such drugs are: "Dihlotiazid" "ethacrynic acid," "Triamterene" "Oksodolin" and many others. These drugs are intended only for the treatment of many diseases when linger in the body fluid is already a major threat to human health. As well, this should only be taken exactly as prescribed and under the constant supervision of specialists.

Natural diuretics

Natural diuretics - substances that are created by nature itself. They can be used not only in pure form but also in the various teas and nutritional supplements. There are many products in the start-up, which in the diet, you allow yourself to get rid of unwanted body fluids, and thus you give yourself a great opportunity to throw a couple of extra pounds. Watermelon, asparagus, melon, celery, artichokes, parsley, watercress, dandelion, juniper berries belong to the category of products that have a diuretic effect.

Also produces a variety of nutritional supplements for weight loss, based on the products listed above with the other ingredients.

The use of all of the above drugs and even helps to reduce weight, but abused in any case is not recommended. It is proved in practice that the use of diuretics, reduces the weight thanks to the depletion of fat cells, but your problem is still not solved, because the number of fat cells remains unchanged. Therefore, after the use of diuretics return to the former weight very quickly.

The use of these funds for a long time leads to disruption of the natural functioning of the kidneys. Since you are constantly losing fluid, it comes dehydrated your body electrolyte balance is disturbed. Misuse of such means leads to the reduction of potassium levels. And his lack of facing the appearance of weakness in the muscles and quite severe impairment of kidney function.

So never forget that in all necessary measure. Weight loss in no case should not cause harm to your body and health. Therefore, before the use of diuretics pre consult an expert. Remember, to be thin and sick, it is better to be a complete and healthy.

Tags: means, slimming