Burn fat!

Burn fat!
 Extra pounds - it's fat deposits that accumulate in the body due to poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and even as a result of certain diseases. The fight against them must be waged on all fronts and to be aimed precisely at removing the causes of fat.
 Change the diet

Excess weight appears not only on the fatty foods, which, incidentally, are necessary and useful. The main reasons are carcinogens and preservatives that cause great harm to the body and very hard are derived from it.

To lose weight, you need to remove from your diet any fast food, prepared food, flour products, salinity and synthetic sweetness. Beverages should be excluded from the beer and sweet carbonated water. There is a need in small portions, but 4-5 times a day as a strong sense of hunger promotes use of excessive quantities of food. A cook foods - only a couple in the water or the oven.

Work out.

The best way to lose weight is running. While it is formed of three important components of a healthy and beautiful figure - burn fat, strengthens muscles and improves the function of the cardiovascular system. 10-15 minutes a day of jogging daily can lead to surprising results.

Besides it is necessary to move as much as possible in everyday life. Particularly important for long walks in the fresh air. If possible, you should try to get out to work or to the store on foot and take the stairs. Adults can play with the kids in sports, as well as doing morning exercises.

At run time, strength training, it is important to periodically change their appearance. The reason for this is the habituation of the organism to a long mean any activity that results in a much lower calorie burning.

Check the level of hormones.

Extra pounds can also accumulate due to metabolic disorders in the body. Therefore, if a proper diet and sports do not help to burn fat, you should visit an endocrinologist to check your hormones. Perhaps after this figure will get the desired shape, and the body becomes more healthy.

Tags: fat by weight