Moving to a new home: the signs and rituals

Moving to a new home: the signs and rituals
 Moving to a new home - this event is very important, responsible and happy. Keeping vintage signs and rituals when moving, adversity will bypass your house party, and your life will be light and happy. The main thing to go to a new home with a smile and faith in the future!

Plan your move before the full moon. So in your new home will always be a lot of good and wealth. Still put under the rug in the hallway three coins for prosperity.

Cross the threshold of the first should your beloved pet - a cat. He has to cross the threshold, do not drive it yourself. It is desirable that the animal was in black and with good manners. After the cat can safely cross the threshold of all newcomers.

Do not forget your houses from the old apartment. After all, it is the guardian of prosperity and hearth. Folk omens say that he will move with you if you bring your own old broom. If the house broom not, then brought him in a box with a soft cloth. To do this, place it near the threshold before leaving for a few minutes. Brownie necessarily gets into the box and go with you. When you go to a new home, be sure to leave the house-a piece of bread with salt or a saucer of milk.

Broom put in the house behind the front door, protects from evil spirits and bad people. Be sure it has to stand on the handle. Branches of dried hypericum serve as a talisman, if they hang on the corners.

Hang a horseshoe inside your new home. It is a symbol of happiness accumulation. Need to hang a horseshoe ends up. So it will accumulate positive energy.

Light your house if you lived there before other people. Make sure to call for the priest. You can sprinkle himself with holy water all the angles and light the candle.

Finish your new home relocation. Call relatives and close friends. Guests should come with bread and salt.

Now that all traditions are observed, it is safe to equip their new home.

Tags: house, cat, house, new home, moving, ritual, sign