Christmas story: Winter bouquets and compositions coniferous

Christmas story: Winter bouquets and compositions coniferous
 New Year - the only holiday where the main element is a tree. It was at this festival every person waiting for a miracle and fulfillment of wishes in the next year. Therefore, the house is decorated with pine arrangements and bouquets, standing on the eve of a fairy tale.
 Beautifully decorate the room for the New Year, you can use different formulations made with their own hands. Also original look small holiday bouquets, composition, decomposition, and placed hanging in several places in the room.

To create a New Year's compositions take some artificial or natural spruce twigs. Then add to the fresh flowers twigs, pine cones, Christmas decorations, candles, streamers, tinsel, ribbons, rain, sequins.

Manufactured bouquet can "priporoshit" cotton or hoarfrost from a special balloon to create the illusion of snow.

As vases for Christmas composition can take an ordinary vase or flower pot. Can also be used for Christmas bouquets rather unexpected things, such as pitchers, teapots, cups, glasses, plates, basins and more.

Will look good composition, located in a basket or box.

In order to secure the branches and flowers in a vase, use the special supports: insert for vases with lots of holes into which you can insert the stems or branches.

If you do not have such devices, invest in a vase conventional coil of soft wire, a piece of clay or simply tie branches together.

Ready Christmas bouquets and compositions can be positioned on any surface: on the shelf on the table, on the door or on the wall.

Very impressive Christmas tree will look twig covered with snow or frost and sequins, hanging from the ceiling over the New Year's table.

In this case, bouquets, composition better be, to determine in advance where they will be placed. Thus, the composition will look more symmetrical. It can be round (this comprehensive review), or one-sided corner. Whatever the composition of coniferous you have not invented, remember that you need to focus on its center.

On the festive table will look very nice high composition of conifer twigs made in conjunction with white flowers.

Tags: composition, house, table, flower, fairy tale