Child's room for two girls

Child's room for two girls
 If in the same room should accommodate two daughters, by design of the room should be approached carefully. Have to take into account many details and meet each child. Girls are more demanding of their dwelling than boys, so designers are advised to take into account the difference in age.
 When in the same room to live two children, questions arise with the preparation and organization of space. Random design children's rooms for girls do not accept. Will have to rely on the age, the difference in the interest and taste preferences.

 Room for girls with a big age difference

At the organization of the interior nursery for two daughters who have a difference at the age of 4 years or more, require a special approach. Of course, this will make it harder than odnogodok. Need to listen to psychologists. They are advised to focus on the zoning of the interior to a greater extent than on functionality. Will be correct, if your children's room interior "let in" the process of division. This can reduce the visual space, but provide two equal parts, creating a kind of private area for each of the sisters. To do this, use plasterboard partitions or interior doors. This not only helps to support the interests of each and create a child's room interiors are that they will like. All this is done for reasons of convenience, the banal.

If the difference is even greater, the heating essential. The boundary of such a space should be more than just a visual and tangible. Used racks that divide the room, walls, stained glass windows, screens. While working on the nursery for two girls, is taken into account and the number of windows in the room. If there are two big problems will not, but if only one light source is a clear zoning complicated. Implement it by using the interior.

The easiest way to make furniture for the nursery for two children on request, as ready-made kits are ideal for any family and every room is almost non-existent.

In the organization of children's room interior important to consider every detail. Each must be a sleeper, comfortable units for storage, as well as a place to practice and games. Even in the smallest spaces can find a way out, for example, in one of the two daughters are sleeping, and the second will be located office and a place for entertainment. Or room for two girls can be divided into three functional areas that will not come into contact with each other.

 Design a child's room for two girls with a small age difference

If the girls have a small difference in age, for example, a year or two or three, their interests may coincide. This children's room for two children in the organization does not require much effort. And cots can be positioned side by side and make one two-storey. By the way, this "high-rise construction" really like all kids. Partitions are not needed. A bedtime girls want to be together, to talk, to share in the mysterious dim light. While the sisters are small, in the design of a child's room for two girls it is necessary to make a large play area with a fabulous house, table games, a place for guests, as well as the sports area.

Swedish Children's ladder - is a universal tool that allows children to develop athletically. In favor of this simulator are the pediatricians and sports instructors. Ladder is compact and will be appropriate in any room.

Children's rooms for girls the same age, of course, the issue is easier than for the sisters with the big age difference. Each object can be used to two. For example, cabinets, shelves, space for toys. The only requirement - a private space for personal belongings.

And here is one more important detail that everyone wants to have a personal - a mirror and a shelf for storing jewelry. Designers say that the children's room for two girls may have one mirror, but in this case it has to be long, so that during future fashionista fees not interfere with each other and shared this coveted territory.

When drawn children's bedrooms for girls, focus on finding a color palette. Any psychologist will tell you that this issue should heed the will of the two daughters. Even if they do not match - it does not matter. To reach an agreement can be color-zoning of each zone. Then every inhabitant of this space will be pleased.

Tags: girl, nursery, room, interior, age